Bad Day Anxiety- Robert Chase x Reader

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Robert Chase x Reader you have a Bad Day, Robert Chase x Reader you have a Panic Attack
Robert Chase x Reader Comfort

Welp this day has been pretty shit. First my alarm didn't go off and I overslept by about 15 minutes, causing me to miss the metro. Once I finally made it to work someone had made coffee, I went to pour myself a cup and the handle of the pot broke and the coffee went all down the front of me, unluckily I had arrived in my uniform and never replaced my gym clothes after laundering them so I had no clean clothes and then when I took a step to get paper towels to mop up the mess I slipped backwards beaning the back of my head against the counter. "Owwugh, great juuust great." I huffed. "You good y/l/n?" My coworker Eric asked. I whipped my head up and retorted, "today it seems I can't catch a break, can you please get me some ice? Also I think I'm bleeding." I asked/ stated seeing the hand I'd touched the back of my head with covered in my blood. " Sure of course, but first take a seat make sure you aren't dizzy or have any other symptoms of a concussion and let me see if you need stitches." He reminded the neurologist in him coming out a bit. "Thanks." I gave a weak smile that I'm sure looked more like a grimace. Eric lightly pushed my head forward and down. " Yep it appears you do need a few stitches wait here I'll go get a suture kit and sew you up." He said walking over to the first aid kit on the wall and grabbing a suture kit. "Great." I sarcastically huffed. "It'll be over before you know it I'll make it quick." Eric said as he numbed the cut, cleaned it and started suturing. "Thank you for doing this." I thanked him as he finished and wrapped some gauze around my head and the freshly sutured wound. "You're welcome, its no biggie we've both done stitches a thousand times before, also I'm sure you know the drill." He replied and handed me an ice pack from the freezer. "Yep." I confirmed holding the ice to my throbbing head. We heard footfall and sure enough my boyfriend Chase walked in. He stopped midstride in shock for a moment seeing me icing my head that was wrapped in gauze. He quickly came over to the table and took over holding the ice to my head so I could put my arms down for a minute. "Y/n babe what happened? Are you okay?" He asked concern filling his features. I answered him not lifting my head from where I'd placed it on my arms in front of me"The better question to ask would be what hasn't happened to me." I tried to keep the mood light. "C'mon seriously what happened?" He prodded again. As I sat back up to look at him to answer him Cameron walked in and was using the microwave to heat up her lunch. "Today has been atrocious, I over slept, missed the train, the coffee pot handle broke, coffee spilled all over me and when I went to clean it up I lost my footing and slipp-" I was cut off by hot baked ziti falling into my lap. "OH MY GOSH y/n I'm so sorry I was trying to avoid running into dr. Wilson but I failed and he bumped my elbow, I lost my grip on the plate I'm so sorry, here." Cameron said handing me napkins and helping me clean off as much as I could, Chase helping as well. "It's o-okay." My voice wobbled and cracked as I tried to hold back the panic attack and reassure my friend I wasn't mad. But suddenly seeing the stain on my pants was the last straw I couldn't hold back any more a choked sob escaped my lips and I bolted from the room beginning to hyperventilate. I made it to the locker room and for once there was no one in here. I sunk onto a bench and broke. My chest was heaving up and down, I couldn't breathe, my face, hands, arms, legs, and feet were going numb. I was hot and cold all over a huge knot in my stomach and yet I couldn't get control over myself. Suddenly I was enveloped in warm arms and pulled into someone's chest. My confusion of who was this person was quickly answered when my boyfriend's sweet calming voice filled my ears. "Hey hey hey, hey there, it's all going to be okay, I've got ya." He comforted rubbing my shoulder. I shifted so my face was buried in the crook of his neck and he responded by holding me a bit tighter and rubbing up and down my back. "Hey babe c'mon now I'm going to need you to follow my lead and deep breathe with me, I need you to breathe, in and out." He started coaxing me to slow my breathing down and when I managed to stop hiccuping and finally take a deep shaky breathe he continued seeing that it was working. "That's my girl, good, just keeping breathing with me in and out." He coached doing it with me until I finally calmed and my breathing returned to normal. "Now do you want to tell me what's going on? I know you so I know this is more than spilt coffee and pasta." Chase softy chided. I shakily inhaled and told him what was wrong. "My grandfather died... on my dad's side and with the divorce and everything, I'm torn do I go not go? I haven't seen any of them since I was in 3rd grade and I don't want to suddenly show up and them think oh she's just here for money or whatever or not show up and them think I don't care and then of course my dad'll be there and I don't know if I can deal with that I'm just so hurt and lost and confused and now my head hurts." I explain. "Wow that's- wow well first know I am here and I'm going to help you through this, second-" Chase was cut off by our boss Dr.House coming around the corner," he's going to take you home, keep waking you up once an hour for 24 hours and keep an eye on you for 48-72 hours, and help take care of you, help change your bandages and keep an eye on your stitches, while you take a few days to grieve and rest. I'll take care of letting Dr.Cuddy know, I've already called thirteen and Taub to cover for you too. I heard everything and Foreman told me about you hitting your head. There will also be some prescription ibuprofen waiting for her at the pharmacy Dr.Chase she is to have 1/2 to a whole every 4-5 hours if she's in pain." House instructed. "Thanks House but that's not-" he cut me off again. "No buts doctor's orders, now take care and see you in a few days." He chided softly lightly ruffling my hair. "Yes sir. Thank you." I finally agreed. I turned back to chase and looked down at my sauce covered pants and back up at him. "One problem, I'm still covered in sauce and no clean clothes the realization hitting me again that the gym clothes I thought I had here were in fact elsewhere, I don't want to stain your car." I said. Chase simply smiled and bopped by nose " not to worry I've got clean gym clothes you can wear a tshirt and sweats." He kissed my forehead and went to his locker to retrieve the clothes. Chase then handed them to me and I proceeded to step into a corner to change. Once I was done I put my dirty clothes in a plastic bag and walked back over to Chase. " So cute, you look better in my clothes than I do." He complemented making me blush, I gave him a hug. "So your place or mine?" I ask. "Up to you, but first we're stopping at the pharmacy for your meds." Chase said. " well it doesn't matter to me, also you don't have to watch me for the whole time just the first 24 hours is fine." I said. "Nuh- Uh you're stuck with me for 72 hours Doctors orders. Besides I don't mind and I want to make sure you're alright. No buts missy." Chase concluded. "Alright." I couldn't hold back the smile at the prospect of spending 72 straight hours with the one I love. Secretly I'd hoped he'd stay the whole time. "Alright then let's get out of here." Chase said interlocking our fingers and leading the way.

Robert Chase Imagines Robert Chase Fluff
Robert Chase x Reader Fluff

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