1 - Levi

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Levi's POV


It was lunch time, so I started to head to the mess hall. Loud stomping footsteps echoed behind me.


Ugh. Maybe if I keep walking it'll go away.

But of course I knew that was far from reality. My psycho crew mate Hanji ran in front of me to stop me in my tracks. Her arms were raised sideways to prevent me from walking further. She was breathing heavily, a drop of sweat falling on the side of her face.

She had a beaming smile on, so that's not good.

"I was calling you from back there. Why didn't you stop?!"

"I didn't hear you."

"Bullshit you little lying munchkin."

"Tch. What do you want four eyes?"

I watched unamused as Hanji made a little happy dance, squealing a little in the process. My blood started to boil as she hasn't gotten to the point of this interaction.

"For fuck's sakes what do you want?"

"We're getting you a secretary?! Whooo!!"

For a second, I looked at her irritated and in disbelief. Then I chose to walk around her, trying to ignore what slipped off her tongue.


"Awww c'mon it'll be great! You'll get a friend, and that means I'll get a friend. ANDDD~ less paperwork for you!"

Hanji decided to follow me. She continued to blab about how it'll be good for my health or whatever. I just kept my eyes forward, obviously hating the idea.


"I don't want a brat to babysit. I've been working here for several years and I've been fine."

I just want to drink my tea in peace...

"You won't know till you get one! And too bad! Head to Erwin's office tomorrow a little after dawn to meet your new secretary. Byeee Captain~"

She walked off with a dumb smile on her face, waving as she got farther.

Seriously? This was just a waste of time, but at least Hanji left me alone. I can't believe I'm getting a secretary. Tch.

Later that day...

I knocked on Erwin's office before entering. He was hunched over, signing a stack of papers. His prominent eyebrow was raised at me.

"Come in I guess?"

"I don't need a secretary."


"Levi, you're one of our greatest soldiers. Although, you're very good at your job, I'm beginning to notice a bit of a burn out from you."

Burn out? What is he saying? I'm fine.

"Tch. I don't feel burnt out."

"You need to sleep more and stress less. That's why we're doing this. Especially with Eren, things are gonna be more complicated here on out."

"I have insomnia. Nothing I can do to fix it."

Erwin started to notice that I was getting irritated.

"Tell you what. Give it a month. If you don't like her by the end, then we'll transfer her elsewhere. Ok?"



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