30 - You

370 13 6

Your POV

When I walked into the mess hall, everyone had already started to clean. I was embarrassed since everyone probably knew what happened to me last night.

"(Y/N)!!! Did Levi take good care of you last night?!"

Someone please kill me now.

Hanji ran towards me waving her hands in the air. She was using her big voice as always. Now, I was sure everyone knew what happened.

"Hanji please! You're embarrassing me..."

I whispered harshly.

"Aww, you're fine my dear! Everyone knows!"

"Yeah (Y/N)! You and the Captain!!!"

Connie joined in, poking me with a broom. I walked away and grabbed my own broom and swept in the farthest corner away from them.


I flinched knowing it was Levi's voice. He looked at me slightly irritated.

"What's wrong?"

"You're holding the broom incorrectly. No wonder your cleaning is horrific. Here, let me show you."

He took the broom from me and tried showing the proper hand placement and whatever. I wasn't focused on him though. I was getting red seeing most of the room watching the both of us. Connie and Sasha were making kissy faces. Hanji was giving me a look.

"Are you even listening (Y/N)? What are you looking at-"

Levi noticed that everyone had their eyes on us. By the look on his face, he seemed irritated.

"Oi! Brats, don't you have better things to do? I want this room spotless, get back to work!"

I don't know if I felt better or worse that Levi directed their attention elsewhere. It was pretty hot though. This time I paid attention to his directions and we cleaned for part of the morning.

Later that day...

I went to Commander Erwin to talk about his proposal last night. I gave it some thought throughout the day, and I was mostly sure about my decision.


"Come in (Y/N)."

It was amazing to see how composed the Commander looked even with all this weight on his shoulders. He was studying some papers a little longer before giving me his attention.

"I have decided to join the Survey Corps."

"I'm glad to hear that (Y/N). Thank you for making this sacrifice."

"I just have one request sir."

I fiddled with my jacket as I spoke. The commander raised an eyebrow at me.

"Can I see my sister for a couple days?"

"Of course (Y/N), you can see her tomorrow if you'd like."

"Perfect sir. Thank you."

We talked a little bit more on what my training would be like before I left his office. I then went straight to my room to start packing. I knew that they were going on the expedition soon and I'm going to start my training the moment they get back.

Hopefully, they get back.

*knock knock*


"It's Levi."

"Come in."

I watched him carefully walk into my room. He didn't look too impressed.

"Your room is a mess."

"I don't think it's that bad."

I had a couple clothes on the floor and my bed wasn't made, but I knew others were worse.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?"

Levi sounded a bit concerned. He took a step closer to me and looked me in the eye. I didn't see the big deal.

"I'm going to see my sister. Her name is Nat."

"Nat? I've heard that name a couple times. The one time you even mumbled her name in your sleep."

"Aww did I? I do miss her. Anyways, I'll be gone for the next couple days."

He was silent, but continued to watch me diligently. Eventually, he made himself busy by making my bed and picking up after me. It was really cute. I closed my bag and dusted it off.

"All done! Thanks for cleaning my room, you really didn't have to."

All of a sudden, I was pulled into his embrace. He buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"(Y/N), we're leaving on the expedition the day after tomorrow. You won't be here to see us leave, but maybe that's for the best."

My heart sank. I didn't even realize it was that close already. I hugged him hard. On the bright side, Nat will be there for me while I wait for them to come home.

"Maybe yeah..."

"C-can you spend the night with me then?"

I hummed a yes. Levi let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll just get ready for bed, and visit the kids before your room."

"Tch! They're not kids (Y/N), they're brats!"

I pulled away and laughed at his unamused face.

"I'm sorry, but looking at the age difference here. They are kids you old man!"

"Whatever, just come to my room when you're done."

On his way out, I decided to mess with him. I gave him a hard smack right on his ass. I whistled at him afterwards. Levi turned slowly with a horrified look on his face.

"See ya later babe~"


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