10 - Levi

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Levi's POV

I was in the middle of training the new recruits, but today was different. My mind was nowhere near focused. All I thought about was (Y/N). I was thinking of how to ask her to be my secretary again without sounding like an egotistical jerk.

"Captain? Captain?"

I snapped back to reality to see a brat waving his hands in my face. He was a shorter bald headed kid. I scowled at him annoyed.

"What do you want cadet?"

"We're waiting for your orders sir."

Looking up, I saw that the cadets were lined up. They had concerned expressions, some whispering to each other. My face twitched in embarrassment.

"Practice hand to hand combat for the rest of the day, then finish off with 20 laps..."

They saluted at me before pairing up. Once I saw they were occupied, I decided to head inside. I went back to my office to start the paperwork for the next morning.


It was dinner time. I was thinking of asking (Y/N) after she was done playing babysitter with the cadets.

(Y/N)? Would you do me the honours...
Wtf, that sounds so stupid! I sound like I'm proposing!

(Y/N), be my secretary again...please?
That one just sounded pathetic.

(Y/N), if you don't become my secretary this instant, I'll make you clean the entire headquarters!!
That, I knew would put me in the infirmary.

This was harder than I thought.

On my way to the mess hall, I couldn't stop thinking of how to bring it up to her. When I entered, the first table I looked for was Jaeger's. My eyes widened to see that (Y/N) wasn't with them. Oddly enough, the cadets were quieter today. This was the first time I didn't see (Y/N) with them for dinner.

I looked around the mess hall, searching for the one face, but she really wasn't there.

Where is she?

Flushing all my pride down the toilet, I approached Jaeger's table. They all turned grey when they saw me. The whole table stood up to give me a salute, cadet Kirstein knocked over his water from standing up too quick.

Tch. He better clean that mess later.

"Where is (L/N)?"

Their look of nervousness was replaced with confusion.

"We don't know sir. She didn't join us this time. We thought she was maybe in her office doing paperwork."

Cadet Arlert replied. I stared at them a second longer before walking away. Behind my back, I could hear them whispering.

"Oh no! Did (Y/N) challenge the captain again?"

"I hope she's not in too much trouble.."

"What if she gets fired?"

"That can't be, remember? Commander Erwin won't allow it and neither will we."

They really care about her. She is really good with them I suppose...

*knock knock*

"(Y/N)? It's Levi." 

No answer. Tch.

I placed my ear against her office door to listen for any movement. It was quiet.

"Captain? What are you doing?"

Why does she always come in when I'm doing the weirdest shit?

"I'm looking for (Y/N)."

"What you were doing there was pretty creepy Captain shorty. You're totally stalking her!"

"Shut up shitty glasses! Do you know where she is or not?"



Without another word, I walked passed her to look for (Y/N) elsewhere. My next stop was outside by the bench, but she wasn't there either.

Where else could she be?


There I was outside her room. I fidgeted with my harness before calling out to her.


No answer. I held up my hand to knock. The door easily pushed open the moment my hand touched the wooden door. Her room was also quiet except for a light breathing. I shifted my eyes over to the sleeping figure. She was buried in a bunch of blankets.

I took a second to look around her room. There were stuffed animals on her desk, along with some family photos. There was also a cold cup of coffee leftover by her nightstand. I chuckled to myself.

I guess the coffee didn't work.

I noticed that I left the door wide open. If anyone came in and saw this, I would be in a lot of trouble. Looking at (Y/N)'s comfy state, I let her sleep a little longer.

Instead, I decided to bring her dinner. I was worried that by the time she got up, she would be hungry and the food would either be cold or all gone. I left her room, properly closing the door.


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