23 - Both

389 16 9

Your POV

Levi mother frickin Ackerman was playing with my feels. Last night, this guy decided to kiss me on the head, then left without an explanation.

I mean, it was kinda self explanatory on how he felt, but still! He could've said something! It was probably a misunderstanding. Levi just felt bad for me. I don't know why, but maybe he did. Hopefully we just don't end up talking about it.

Now today, he's supposed to help me finish decorating. I don't know what to do.

The mess hall was quiet and empty. I was going to rearrange the tables a bit, so there was room for dancing.

Maybe I can get Levi to help with that?


Ahh perfect timing.

"Mr. Ackerman, I need your assistance in moving the tables."

His brows furrowed in confusion.


"To make room for dancing."

"Tch. Who would want to do that?"

This guy... can't do what he's told without questions.

I wasn't gonna get frustrated, because then things might get ugly. I took a deep breath.

"Some of the cadets are going to play music for the party, so I'm sure a couple people might want to dance."

Levi seemed to understand. He nodded and allowed me to boss him around on where to move things, I helped of course. Afterwards, I was getting tired, so I decided to sit for a while.

"Your stamina isn't very good."

He remarked playfully.

"Thanks. I guess sitting at a desk all day doesn't help. I'm sorry I'm not as fit as you are."

I said sarcastically. Levi seemed amused at my response and sat down across from me.

"About last night..."

Oh lord, here we go.

"It's fine. We can pretend like it didn't happen."

He gave a confused look, which can also be mistaken for his angry look, but whatever. I was confused as well, because I thought... I don't know what I thought.

"What do you mean? You thought last night was some sort of mistake?"

"Was it not?"

Okay... maybe I went too far there..

"You know what? It's fine. I thought wrong. Hanji thought wrong."

I didn't answer because I was so overwhelmed with feelings. I will admit I used the wrong choice of words, but I didn't know what else to say. It happened so suddenly. I didn't even think we'd have this conversation.

Without another second, Levi left. As you can tell, I might have fucked up.

What did he mean about Hanji?

Now alone, I finished up the rest of the decorating. It gave me time to sort out my thoughts. Judging by his reaction, Levi seemed to like me a little more than I thought. I knew I had to apologize and explain  myself later on.

Damn it (Y/N).

I also knew I had to hunt down Hanji's ass. She had some explaining to do.

Levi's POV

Fuck this. That's what I get for giving into my feelings. I'm not going to the party, fuck it.

I went to my room to take a hot shower.

I thought (Y/N) was going to be different. I thought she might've felt the same way. Maybe I misunderstood.

I had a flashback from weeks ago when (Y/N) dragged my ass outside to relax. She was the one who placed me back on the right track; and when I comforted her from her panic attack, we had a moment. I knew we did.

Every day since then, we've gotten closer. We were friends, but I thought there was potential to be more than that.

Whatever, I'll have them move (Y/N)'s things back to her original office. Not like she would care. I'm sure she'd be thrilled. I would be thrilled.

Deep down, I knew that was a lie. I grew accustomed to (Y/N)'s company, and I liked it quite a bit. It made me look forward to work, to our small talks and occasional bickering. She would also make tea for me. I don't know how, but she always knew when I needed it the most.

I hate emotions. 


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