8 - Both

537 17 1

Your POV

Levi looked at me with furrowed brows. He tried getting out of my grasp. I looked at him sympathetically.

"Levi please. Come with me."

His muscles relaxed. Now he looked more confused, probably because I called him by his name. He didn't seem mad though. I tugged his arm gently to get him to follow me outside. It was late at night, so I didn't expect anyone around to see us.

"What are we doing here?"

I looked at him in the moonlight. Now that I think about it, he was actually not that bad looking once you get passed the death stare and shitty attitude.

"Just sit down and relax ok?"

"I don't have time for this. I've got paperwork to do."

"I can talk to Erwin about it. Just please?"

Although he hesitated, he still sat down on the bench. I sat beside him, but gave a respectable amount of space between us.

"I go here before bed. I think of it as dropping off my stress from the present day, before starting the next day ."

"That's dumb."

You're dumb you frickin compressed looking...


As tempted as I was to fire at him back. I felt like I should try doing the opposite.

What if I try being nice to him?

I faced him with a forced smile. Levi seemed surprised as I was that I held myself back.. or maybe that I'm smiling like a complete psychopath.

"I want you to look at the moon. Then pay attention to the shadows. Listen to the wind. Breathe in the fresh air and hold it for five seconds. Let's start there."

I watched how he rolled his eyes at me. He looked up at the moon, his gray eyes twinkled. Levi quickly averted from it, a very hurt look on his face. His breathing was staggered a little.

Levi's POV

Farlan... Isabel...

I remembered us watching the moon the night before the expedition. We were amazed at the endless sky. The freedom we felt after being able to escape the underground made us so happy...

"Captain? You okay?"

My eyes were dazed as I looked to (Y/N). She was being nice to me all of a sudden. I don't understand what changed.

Why was she doing this?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, held it for five seconds like she said. I thought of all the things that pissed me off today, everything that triggered my anger... and I let it go. My heart felt a bit more at ease. I liked it, so I did it again, and again, and again.

When I was done, I opened my eyes and searched for (Y/N)'s. She had her eyes closed, a smile on her lips. She looked peaceful. I wanted that too for myself. Before I could turn away, (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open and met mine.

"Let's go inside? I'll make you some tea."

That sounded really nice.


That was all I could say. I felt calm and light. We walked to my office, wiping our feet before we entered. (Y/N) guided me to sit on the couch as she made my favourite black tea. I watched her as she focused on her task. A warm feeling spread throughout my chest when I looked at her face.

"Here. I hope I did it right."

I took a sip and was very impressed. The tea by itself already made me feel quite happy.

"This is good.. thank you."

(Y/N) looked at me shocked, but then her eyes softened. I told her to take a seat next to me. I took another cup and poured some for her. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke up.

"Captain, I'm sorry for giving you attitude. I still should have respected you as my superior."

Even though (Y/N) apologized. I knew that maybe if I had been kinder to her in the first place, she wouldn't have done that. If anything, I should have apologized first.

"I'm sorry too... you know? For being a dick."

She laughed which stopped her from taking another sip of the tea. Surprisingly, (Y/N) didn't push on. We just left it at that. I smiled a bit too, but I hid it with the cup.

After tea, I started feeling really tired. I could barely keep my eyes open. I told (Y/N) to just leave me on the couch and to head back; although deep down, I actually liked her company and wanted her to stay. It was the first time we talked like decent people to each other and it was quite enjoyable.

I wanted her as my secretary again, no doubt. But this time, I would appreciate her.


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