13 - Levi

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Levi's POV

When I looked into her eyes, they showed no emotion. She didn't seem fazed at my words.

"You need me? You need me because you realized you were incompetent without the help I gave you? After all the times you gave me the cold shoulder and ignored me even when all I was trying to do was my job?"

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. There was no denying that how I acted was a douche move. I regretted it, all of it. She was a great person, but had a shitty boss. I knew this wasn't the time to act egotistical. I still wanted her to be my secretary, so I had to bite my tongue a little.

"Yes. I need you because you made my life less stressful than what it once was... and-"

Spit it out Levi.


(Y/N) dragged on, impatient with my response. Again, I had to bite back a snarky comment. It was difficult.

"And... I noticed recently that I enjoy your company."

There. I said it.

(Y/N) was clearly taken a back from what I said. Even I was a little shocked that I admitted it. Inside, my thoughts were circling. She gave me an exaggerated smile.

"Thank you for that wonderful proposal Captain, but unfortunately I will have to politely decline."

I scowled at the sarcasm that trailed in the first part of the sentence. Her face followed suit and gave me a scowl back.



She stood up, leaving me on the bed. (Y/N) walked to her desk and leaned against it. I looked out the window, it was late at night.

"Because I like spending time with the cadets, and they like me too. I don't want to give that up."

"I see."

I looked down and thought a little longer. Maybe there was some way to compromise. I couldn't help but feel jealous of those brats for getting her attention.

"How about... when the brats are training, you come help me. Even if you don't do as much as you would in a full day, it's still some. Please?"

The word 'please' rolled of strangely off my tongue. We locked eyes for a second, her serious gaze turned back to me. Her face changed slightly after seeing mine.


I cracked a small smile. (Y/N) caught it no doubt.

"Goodnight then (Y/N), see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Captain."

That night, I slept better than normal. I looked forward to the next day. As much as I hated to admit it, I think knowing I get to see (Y/N) more often made me happier than knowing I'll have a little less paperwork to do. The latter is just a bonus.

What is this feeling I have towards her? I have always preached that relationships are nothing more than a distraction. It's inappropriate at a time like this. I should continue to stand by my word.

She's just a good friend. I could use more of those anyways.

My heart disagreed slightly, but I knew it was for the best.


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