22 - Levi

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Levi's POV


*knock knock*

"Ohhhh Leviiiiii~"

Ugh. I get that (Y/N) can't join me tonight, but now this?

I stood up to open the door. Hanji had that stupid look on her face like always. She didn't wipe her feet before entering, which meant I had to clean the floor once she leaves.

"What do you want four eyes?"

"I know something~~"

She gave a sly smirk and welcomed herself in (Y/N) and I's office. Hanji quickly ran over to (Y/N)'s desk and sat in her chair.

"Sooo, this is where you've been keeping
dear (Y/N)."

"Why are you here? I thought (Y/N) was with you."

"Oh she was! We were in the mess hall just now, I think she's still there if you want to visit her. I told her I was heading to bed, but I decided to stop here.. BUT anywayss~~~ You sir are a coward!"


Her presence was getting on my nerves already, then she just had to insult me. I leaned against my desk.

"Because! You like-like (Y/N), asked her to the dance first, then let her go with someone else. Explain yourself Captain."

(Y/N) must've told her. I forgot that they were actually close.

"So? And I don't like (Y/N) in that way."

"Liar liar! You care, but you're too stubborn to come to terms with your feelings."

The abnormal was right.

"It doesn't matter. I think she likes Armin better anyways. Can you go to the party with me instead?"

"Awww sure munchkin. Just so you know, (Y/N) likes you too. She won't admit it, but I just know. It's like with you. One of you should cave eventually, or else my ship won't sail. See ya!"

She got up and left. When I was finally alone, I started cleaning the mess Hanji left behind.

There was not a lot of times Hanji was wrong. She was pretty good at reading people.

So (Y/N) does like me?

I smiled to myself. I decided that once I was done cleaning, I would visit her if she was still in the mess hall.

Back to present...

(Y/N) decided to spend time with me tonight. I couldn't refuse. Of course, she has no clue that Hanji visited me and played a bit of match maker. I made us some tea as we finished work.

"You excited for tomorrow?"

She brought up. I focused my attention on her for awhile. I liked (Y/N)'s voice, it wasn't annoying like most people. Except for when we would argue, then I would find her annoying.

"I wouldn't say excited, but it's not a negative feeling."

"I'll take it!"

I noticed that (Y/N) would usually start the conversation between us.

Maybe I should try talking more.

"Do you have much left to do in terms of preparations?"

(Y/N) looked up at me and smiled.

"Not a lot. I was gonna finish up when everyone goes for training."

I nodded at her.

"I'll come help you if that's ok. I'm not training them tomorrow."

"I'd like that."

It was quiet again. I decided to go back to work.

"I'm sorry I'm not going with you... I kind of regret it actually."

My heart beat quickened hearing her confession.

"It's okay. Hanji's going with me now. Of course I would've preferred if you were my date. You're not an annoying freak like she is."

"Haha! Hanji means well..."

Silence again.

"I was wrong about you. I'm sorry. I judged you too quickly."

(Y/N) lowered her head. She was confessing a lot, maybe Hanji talked to her. I also knew we didn't have the best start, but it was because of her that I didn't go mad crazy.

"I'm sorry too, for giving that impression. You weren't wrong. I'm not the most approachable."

We left the conversation at that. (Y/N) later walked over with papers and set it neatly to the side. She headed to the door, whispering a quiet goodnight, but I didn't want her to leave yet.

"Let me walk you to your room."

We walked quietly side by side. Once we got to her door, she stopped to look at me. I leaned in a little to look at her. She was prettier up close.

I caressed the side of her face gently. She didn't stop me, so I decided to kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight (Y/N)."


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