26 - You

371 16 7

Your POV

"Very funny sir. You almost got me there!"

I laughed awkwardly. Erwin pulled away and looked at me seriously. This wasn't a joke like I hoped.

"Awww c'mon Commander... Me?! Fighting titans?"

"I'm sure Levi has told you about our upcoming expedition."

I nodded my head sadly.

"This one is going to be a little different. I expect many lives at stake including my own; therefore, I would need all the soldiers I can get. You won't be going on this next one, but you'll be participating in the battle from then on. Things are going to be a little different now (Y/N)."

My mind couldn't process what was happening. I just wanted a small job to support Nat and myself. I didn't ask to join the Survey Corps. My heart was beating so loud it rang in my ears.

I looked to my friends. They all looked so happy with no cares in the world, even with the current condition. I'm sure no one asked for this to be their fate, but they still chose to fight. I suppose I can't sit here comfortably when my friends are fighting for the sake of humanity.

But Nat...

If something were to happen to me, she would be by herself. The Schmidts would be there, but it wouldn't be the same. I was her only family and we went through hell together.

I couldn't.. I-I don't know..because I too want a life without worrying about titans. I want that for Nat and my future family. I could help make it come true.

"(Y/N), I know this is a lot to take in, and I don't expect you to jump aboard willingly. You may reject the offer if you wish, but I would really want you to consider it."

"Yes sir."

"Alright, now go enjoy your party."

He patted me on the shoulder before leaving the mess hall. I continued to sit there because I had a hard time processing his offer.


I turned towards the soft tone beside me. Levi sat down, his hand on my back to comfort me. He tried grabbing my attention, but I was lost in my own world.

I managed to snap out of it when I felt his cold hand touch mine.

"Oh, hey..."

"Hey, what did Erwin say?"

"I don't want to talk about it for now."

Levi looked like he was about to say something, but stopped. I felt his hand on my head, but before he could mess up my hair I stopped it.

"Noooo~ I really tried looking my best today, don't ruin it."

"Tch, you brat. Look, Hanji's waving you over. You should go."

"But what about you?"

"I'll watch."

I smiled at him before running over to where Hanji was. She managed to sit us in a circle on the ground. Armin sat by me. He was double checking if I was alright. I snuck a glance to Levi, and as expected he had a nasty scowl on his face.

He is so jealous.

He was staring at me, so I stuck my tongue out at him. Levi was surprised at my reaction, but I think he found it funny.

"Okayyy, let's play a little game my children."

Knowing Hanji, this was going to be a horrible idea.

"Truth or dare drinking game!!!"

I knew it.

"Mikasa! Truth or dare."

Hanji pointed at her. She looked bored, the usual red scarf she wore was wrapped around her tightly. She didn't look fazed that she was picked first.


I was surprised at her choice.

"Sit on Jean's lap for the rest of the game."


Mikasa took a shot of the bottle with no hesitation. We all bursted out laughing. Jean was red from embarrassment, mumbling that he didn't want her to anyways. It was Mikasa's turn to choose someone.

"Sasha. Truth or dare?"


"Don't eat for the rest of the party."

It was ironic because she had a plate of food right next to her. Of course, she took a drink.

"Ymir. Truth or dare."


"Do you like-like Historia."

"Duh! Is that even a question?"

Historia blushed at Ymir's confidence. Ymir smiled brightly at her and slung an arm around her small frame to pull her close. Ymir was already drinking before the game, which explained her sudden forwardness.

"Armin, truth or dare?"


"Kiss (Y/N) on the cheek."

I panicked inside because I knew Levi was watching, but I didn't want to be lame and ruin the mood. Armin blushed hard and looked at me shyly.

There's no way he's gonna-

I felt his soft lips on my cheek. It was a quick peck. I couldn't help but blush that he did it. I also knew I was gonna be in a lot of trouble. I didn't want to look at Levi.

"Uh oh."

Someone mumbled under their breath. They all looked behind me in concern. I looked at all of them confused. Just as I was about to turn around, I was lifted off the ground and placed over someone's shoulder,

Levi's shoulder.


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