24 - Both

386 18 6

Levi's POV

I stepped out of my bathroom, a towel around my waist. A cloud of steam followed me into my room.

"Sup shortie!"

"Jesus Ch- Hanji! The fuck's wrong with you?!"

I quickly grabbed clothes from my drawer and went back to my bathroom to change. It wasn't too embarrassing, since Hanji and I have seen each other's bodies from treating each other's wounds before; however, I would have preferred if we avoided this situation.

"You didn't answer the door, so I walked in. You forgot to lock it by the way."

Too be honest, I don't even remember walking into my room. I think I was just out of it.

Hanji's loud voice sounded crystal clear despite having the door between us. I forgot to tell her that I wasn't going.

How long was I in the shower for?

I looked down to see that my fingers were wrinkled.

Hmm, must've been a while.

Hanji was on my bed when I stepped back out. I shooed her away from the neatly tucked covers to smooth it out. I motioned for her to sit in a chair instead.

"You're wearing that? C'mon dress up a bit more."

"I'm not going to the party."

I told her with my arms crossed against my chest. I really wasn't feeling like having this conversation, but I knew Hanji wouldn't leave me alone.

"It would mean a lot to (Y/N) if you came."

"No it won't. (Y/N) wouldn't give the slightest damn."

"You know that's not true."

Her tone was stern as she talked. I didn't want to look at her. She wouldn't understand.

"You were wrong. (Y/N)'s not interested. I tried telling her how I felt, only for her to shut me down. It made me look like an idiot."

"I honestly think it was a misunderstanding.
(Y/N) and I talked a bit, and she wants to apologize. Now, are you gonna mope around your room the entire night over a girl, or are you gonna take a risk and try enjoying the party?"

"This isn't like fighting titans. Those risks seem easier."

"You're right."

Hanji stood up to rummage through my clothes. She picked up a couple items and threw them on my bed.

"This is harder, because it's romance. You sir are severely inexperienced in that department."

"Tch. You're acting like you have experience?"

"I know more than you. Now come on, get dressed. I'll wait for you outside princess."

I really hated how she could talk down to me because of our height difference. I stared at the clothes she picked.

*sigh* Fine.

Your POV

The party was doing great! Everyone seemed to be having fun. I felt really great with my look for tonight. So far, everyone from the group has thrown compliments at me. They were so sweet!

(A/N: you are wearing whatever you see yourself the most confident in)

Lively chatter filled the room. Everyone seemed occupied. Sasha, Connie, and Jean were at the food table. From my angle, I could see Sasha hoarding some treats in her pockets. Eren, Mikasa, Historia, and Ymir were having a conversation in a separate table. Reiner and Bertold said they were gonna be busy with other things, so they couldn't make it.

I was with Armin. He looked really adorable tonight in a blue button up. He even picked out a flower for me. Unfortunately, I found out that Armin was a little younger than I thought. It quickly changed my feelings towards him. I could only hope that he doesn't pursue anything further.

I felt bad because he was a really sweet guy, and very mature for his age. Armin was also super smart, I would always ask him for stories he knew about the world outside the walls. It sounded so unreal. I had a hard time imagining it.

As much as I loved hearing them, I was a little distracted tonight. Levi and Hanji hasn't showed up yet. I wondered if Levi was even going to show up. It broke my heart a little. I knew it was my fault.

I was able to hunt Hanji down. She admitted that she acted as Cupid between us. I wasn't too upset, since I knew she wanted to make us work. Deep down, I did want us to work, but it seemed inappropriate. Levi was my boss, and what would happen to our friendship?

I told her to try to make Levi come so I could apologize. Hopefully she's able to convince him.


I jerked and looked into Armin's big blue eyes. He was looking at me, waiting for a response.

"Armin I'm so sorry. I was just distracted."

"It's the Captain isn't it?"

I hesitated on my answer because I didn't want to admit it at first. I felt somewhat guilty.

"I think it is..."

I hung my head down. Warmth spread across my hand. Looking up, Armin comfortingly held it, rubbing the backside to reassure me.

"You know, I trust your judgement. If you think the Captain would be right for you, then go for it. Our lives are only so short, so you should live it with no regrets."

"I hate how you can read me. You're too smart for your own good."

I stood up and ruffled his blonde hair. This was why Armin was my favourite. He looked at me embarrassed, rubbing his nape as he laughed. This guy was too cute! I walked over to his side of the table and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I love you guys so much, and this past month made me realize that I'm never going to find as great of people as all of you. Thank you."

I felt his arms tightened around me.

"I think I can say for all of us that we feel the same way about you."

I couldn't let my tears run because it would ruin my makeup. I tried my best not to think about the expedition, but it was getting hard not to. Armin leaned closer to my ear to whisper.

"(Y/N), the Captain is here."


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