9 - Levi

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Levi's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was on the couch in my office. It took me a while to process the night before, but I remembered it quite clearly.

(Y/N). I need to talk to her.

I stood up too fast from the couch causing my vision to spot black for a few seconds. A light breathing was heard to the right of me. I was shocked to see (Y/N) in my desk chair. She was still asleep.

Not wanting to wake her yet, I went into my bathroom to freshen up a little. I also started some tea for the morning. I sat the cup down and shook (Y/N) gently, which caused her to stir.

"5 more minutes Nat..."

She whispered in her sleep. I cocked my eyebrow at her, wondering who was that person she mentioned.

"(Y/N)? Wake up."

Her orbs peeked through her eyelids, but then snapped open immediately. She got up quick, her face flushed.

"Captain! I'm sorry, oh my gosh... did I snore? Did I wake you?"

Her reaction amused me as she searched my face in panic. I shook my head at her.

"I thought I told you to head back last night."

I made sure that my tone was in check when I spoke to her. I didn't want to sound rude, I'm hoping it sounded more concerned.

"Oh yeah.. well, I ended up finishing up the rest of your paperwork actually. I just wanted to help. I know you've had it rough the past couple weeks."

She pointed at the neatly stacked papers. Looking at her face, I don't think she got the right amount of sleep because of it.

"Thank you... but you should catch some more sleep next time."

"No worries. It's not like I do this everyday. I can take a nap when the trainees are doing their exercises if I really need it."

I nodded at her. She picked up the tea I made her and took a sip. A sigh of content escaped her lips.

"Thanks for the tea... I'm glad we can get along now."

(Y/N) said with a genuine smile. It reached her eyes that folded like little crescents.

"Yeah... about that...I was wondering if-"

Spit it out already, don't be a coward.

Before I could finish the rest of my question, the door swung open to reveal an alarmed Hanji.

"CAPTAIN! (Y/N) went missing! She didn't come to her room la- oooooh"

"Hey Hanji!"

(Y/N) exclaimed in her cheery voice. I had noticed that compared to others, she was more energetic with Hanji. Looking at four eyes' face, I knew she was already jumping to conclusions.

"What's going on here Captain? Hmm? I thought you guys didn't like each other. Or maybe...it was all a cover up to hide your secret relationship!!! I KNEW IT!"

"Okayy... that's enough! C'mon Hanji let's get some breakfast."

(Y/N) stood from the chair with a stretch. She walked to the door and pushed Hanji out of the office. Before shutting the door, she looked at me with a bit of pink on her cheeks.

"Thank you for last night."

"LAST NIGHT?! (Y/N)! what-"

I could hear Hanji's annoying voice fade out as they got farther. My office was quiet, and for once I didn't like it. It made me feel empty. I looked at the cup of unfinished tea (Y/N) left behind.

Being with her those few hours last night brought back a comfort I haven't had in a long time. I felt safe being with her. I made a mental note to myself to ask (Y/N) to be my secretary again by the end of the day.


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