25 - You

360 15 3

Your POV


I quickly let go of Armin to lock eyes with Levi. His stare burned into me. There was no denying that he was pissed. Hanji tried pulling him back into the room, but he easily shrugged her off. I looked at Armin apologetically, but he nodded at me with a slight smile.

I quickly walked to the other end of the room, trying not to attract any attention. I looked at Hanji and mouthed a 'thank you' before leaving the mess hall.

By the time I got out, there was no sign of him. There were so many different places he could've went to.

Our office, his room, the roof, or...

I just had a hunch, but it was a strong one.

From the side, I peeked slightly and there he was. Levi sat on our bench, doing the breathing exercises I taught him weeks ago. It warmed my heart to see him use them.

Quietly, I walked in front of him and sat down on a patch of grass. Unlike Levi, dirt didn't scare me. Even with his eyes closed, he felt my presence. His brows touched from annoyance.

"Hey, you're gonna get wrinkles."

I said softly. I didn't hesitate to rub his brows to massage them. It helped him relax for a split second until he grabbed me by the wrist to make me stop.

"I'm sorry Levi."

"Oh yeah, you looked real sorry back there."

His eyes finally opened. Instead of staring at me in anger, he looked more hurt instead. It twisted my heart seeing him like that, but I knew I was the cause.

"No. Armin was just comforting me. I was sorting out some feelings and he helped me."

"By roaming his hands around you?! I-"


I stood up to look down at him. I grew angry at his assumption on Armin. It was uncalled for and very immature. After a couple seconds, I realized he was probably saying that because he was upset. The thought calmed me down, so I sat on the bench right next to him.

Our thighs touched, and I cupped both his hands in mine. Levi wouldn't face me at first. He kept his gaze down to where I previously was. I let go of one hand to turn him by the chin.

"Levi, look at me for a second."

He had a dead gaze. It wasn't fixed on anything, but his face was towards me.

"You know that Armin is not that type of person. You shouldn't judge someone based on that one experience with them, because you don't know how they are in other situations or how they are with other people."

We both knew I was starting hint at something else. Levi still had the same expression, but I could tell he was listening, so I continued.

"I did the same thing with someone, and it ended up hurting them pretty bad, but after I got to know them, they were actually a pretty nice person. I grew to like that person a lot more than I should, but because of my quick judgement, I hurt them again."

This time he looked into my eyes. It made me smile. Without thinking I stole a quick kiss on his cheek. The light tinge of pink on his face made me laugh.

He' s so adorable!

"And I'm sorry, I should've explained myself more. I'll do better next time."

Levi nodded and straightened up. He didn't say anything, but from his actions, I think he forgave me. When he stood, he didn't look at me either but he held his hand out for me to take. I smiled to myself as I took it. We walked back to the mess hall with our hands intertwined. Before we opened the doors, we knew to let go. It would cause a lot of commotion we didn't need at the moment.

*sigh* too much drama for one day.

Hanji was already up in my face pointing hurriedly to the tall blonde man sitting alone in the corner. He was observing the event quite intently.

"There you guys are! Commander Erwin was looking for you (Y/N), go now!"

I nodded and walked towards the Commander's direction. I quickly looked behind me to see Levi nodding at Hanji. Hanji seemed very pleased and started dancing around, making me laugh.

"(Y/N), how have you been?"

I saluted at the Commander with a bright smile. I haven't seen him in a while.

Did his eyebrows get bushier?

"I'm good sir. How are you?"


"Of course."

He motioned for me to take a seat next to him. We watched the cadets celebrate for a few seconds.

"The party looks great. Everyone seems to be having fun. Good job."

"Thank you sir."

The Commander inched closer to me and whispered behind my head. I went stiff at his movement.

"(Y/N), I want you to join them in battle. I intend for you to become a soldier and fight the titans."

Excuse me what?


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