20 - You

392 14 3

Your POV

I had just finished drawing out plans for the party. It was late at night, just chilling in our office. I finished my part of Levi's paperwork not too long ago.

Since I had decided to go with Armin, I was surprised that Levi hasn't done anything. He didn't change, and he wasn't rude which was good.

In a way, I felt bothered by it. I thought maybe he'd show a bit of hesitation with me going with someone else. Maybe he didn't really care too much after all.

Plus, who was he going to take to the party now?


My head snapped up. It was so quiet between us it startled me a bit.


"We need to talk about something."

Levi motioned for me to go closer to him. I pulled up a small stool and sat by his desk. He looked concerned, maybe about the party?

"I'm sure you're familiar with the Survey Corps and what we do..."

I nodded my head, slightly confused where this was going.

"Do you know much about the expeditions?"

My heart dropped at that word.

Expeditions beyond the walls. Many lives lost.

I thought about the cadets, Hanji, Erwin... and Levi. They might not come back one day. It brought tears to my eyes at the thought. Levi's gaze softened.

"We will be going sometime soon, maybe next week. I just want you to be mentally prepared for anything."

I sniffled and rubbed my eyes. I forced a smile at him. He seemed surprised at my change of reaction.

"Then we better make this party a good one."

I stood up and grabbed my drawing to show to Levi.

"Do you like it? Hanji and I will go to town tomorrow to grab decorations."

He looked over my drawing and cracked a small smile. It made my heart flutter. I knew that I was one of the few people who could see this reaction from him.

"It looks nice (Y/N). Thank you for doing this."


That night, I cried myself to sleep. They were my family and the thought of losing them would be too much to handle, but I had to stay strong. They're strong, and they will make it back. I know it.

For now I should focus on the present. What matters is that they're here and I'm gonna make the most  out of it.

The next day...

It was night time and I had just finished dinner with the cadets. Sasha and Connie had already delivered all the invitations, and of course Commander Erwin approved my proposal. Everything was ready to go.
Levi already knew that I wasn't going to be joining him in our office today, so I went straight to my room to get dressed.

"(Y/N)~~~~ let's get going!!!"

I rolled my eyes at Hanji's sing songy voice. I jumped into my pants and opened the door for her. She stumbled in slightly because she was leaning on it.

When I looked at her, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional. I wanted to make sure they all knew how I felt. I wrapped my arms around her tall frame and pulled her tight. I tried my best not to shed a tear.

"I love you."

"Aww (Y/N), I love you too! I'm so happy we met."

"Same here."

I didn't want to bring up the expedition. It was a very stressful subject, and I'm sure they would also appreciate it if we left it alone.

Not too long after, we were walking around town. It was a nice night, with a little bit of a breeze. Our arms were occupied with bags. I told Erwin not to worry about giving me money for it, but he still gave me a bit. Most of came from my pocket. I didn't mind, of course the Survey Corps had more important things to spend money on.

"Oh wait! (Y/N)! We still need to grab our outfits for the party!!!"

"Shit you're right!"

The party wasn't gonna be formal or anything fancy, but we still wanted to look good. I couldn't help but imagine everyone else dressed up a little bit more than normal. We're all gonna look so good!

I wonder what Levi would look like...

I caught myself and quickly shook the thought from my head. We grabbed a couple clothing items and went back.


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