21 - You

379 15 11

Your POV

Hanji and I started setting up some things in the mess hall. I loved spending time with her, she always managed to lighten my mood.

"Sooo (Y/N)~~ I never got to ask you! Who's the lucky bastard that's taking you to the party?"

I let out a laugh as I hung up some garlands.

"Well... it's a long story actually."

Although a part of me hesitated since Hanji was quite close to Levi, I wanted to tell her the full story because she was my best friend too. While we continued decorating, I told her the entire soap opera of what went down. I was amused because her reactions were so over the top with gasps and explosive remarks.

"Nooo way!!! Shorty just let you go like that?"

"I know right? He didn't even fight for me."

"Did you want him too?"

I didn't even need to turn around to see the big creepy smirk on Hanji's face. Good thing she couldn't see my slightly flushed face, but I bet she knew.

"I don't know..."

"By the sound of it, I think you wanted him too."

"Well it doesn't matter anymore. I'm going with Armin and he's the sweetest marshmallow ever."

I tried to convince myself that I was fine with it, but there was something there. It was bothering me and I didn't know why.

"You know, I've known Mr. Grumpy pants for a long time and I can tell you that the way he treats you is pretty special. I think he likes you (Y/N)."

"Oh yeah I know that, we're good friends. We don't argue like we use-"

"No no no. Listen carefully. He LIKES you."

My breath hitched at her statement. There was no way he felt like that. Levi doesn't even feel in general.

"You know what Hanji? I think you need new glasses. Put that on your agenda."

"Think what you want (Y/N). *yawns* I think I'm gonna head to bed."

"Okay goodnight! I'm gonna finish up here."

She waved goodbye and I was left in the mess hall by myself. I just had to put up a one more garland and I could go to bed as well. Being alone allowed me to think a bit more on what Hanji said.

Levi likes me? Well, he is very nice towards me, and I don't see him act that way to anyone else as far as I know... do I like him?

He is cute. I guess I don't like how harsh he treats other people. I wish he treated others a little kinder like he does with me.


Of course Mr. Wonderful showed up. I stepped to the side to turn around, but I seemed to misplace my foot on the chair. I felt a rush of adrenaline as I fell off. It was a short fall and I caught myself with the same foot, but it landed so hard on the ground that it shot pain up my leg.

"Shit! Ow!"

I sat on the chair and massaged my ankle. Levi walked over and kneeled in front of me, he took my foot and inspected it.

"You're fine."

"Oh shut up, it still hurts."

"Where's Hanji?"

"She went to bed just now."

I stood up and tried putting pressure on it. The pain slowly subsided. As I was about to get up on the chair again, I felt Levi's grip on my wrist.

"I'll do it."

He got up on the chair and took the garland instead.

"Where do you want it?"

He stretched and reached up. His grey long sleeve shirt rose slightly giving me a peek of his VERY defined stomach. I could even see a bit of his V line. My eyes could not pull away.

Forgive me walls for I have sinned.

"Brat, wipe that drool of your face and tell me where to put this. My arm's getting tired."

Shit. Damn it (Y/N)! Keep your hormones in line.

I'm sure he could see the deep shade of red that spread across my face. Thank walls I wasn't actually drooling. I would simply pass away.

I directed him where to put it and he came back down. Levi placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. My embarrassment lingered slightly.

"Go to bed."

I patted down my hair and started collecting the remaining decorations to finish up tomorrow.

"Did you finish your paperwork tonight?"

"I have about a stack and a half to go. I decided to take a break and go for a walk, then I heard you were still here."

I wasn't tired yet, and I wanted to help Levi get some rest too, so I decided to help him finish up. Levi hesitated a bit, but he let me. We walked to our office in comfortable silence.


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