7 - You

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Your POV

Another week has already passed and wow does time fly! I've been working with the top 10 of the 104th cadet corps outside of training, oh! Plus Armin. And when I said "working" I meant having fun.

I would hang out with them, eat lunch with them, help them clean, etc. It was kind of like being their babysitter. Not like I minded.

I walked into the mess hall to join them for dinner. My favourite little bunch was Eren Jaeger and his group. I sat next to Armin, who happened to be my favourite cadet.

Eren was already here before me. I was introduced to him before, but we never got close till the rest of the cadets came. There was something special about him apparently.

"So guys how was training today?"

Everyone grumbled a response. They all looked so beat up and tired.

"Captain Levi made us run an extra 30 laps after all the training we did on the ODM gear. He also wants us to clean the mess hall after supper."

Sasha was in tears clutching onto her bread as she spoke.

"This was your fault Jaeger! You just had to drag the whole crew into this!"

"My fault?! You were the one who crashed into me first!"

I sighed to myself. Eren and Jean, God forbid that he made those two brothers. What a sad mother she would've been. Those two always argued over everything.

"Why is Captain so cold (Y/N)?"

"Good question Christa... I don't know really. Maybe that's just the way he is. He was always like that, even when I was working for him earlier this month."


The whole crew stopped eating to look at me. I looked at them confused on why it was a big deal.

"You used to work for him? That must've sucked."

Jean said with a laugh. I nodded my head.

"I was his secretary for a week. I didn't really do anything wrong... I guess I did treat him like he treated me. Next thing I knew, Commander Erwin assigned me to you guys. I always found Levi unnecessarily rude."

"You mocked him?! That's a dangerous game (Y/N)."

I looked at Armin who turned grey at my confession. With a laugh I ruffled his long blonde hair.

"I'm not scared of him. He can't touch me."

"(Y/N)! Can you do an impression of him please??"

Connie begged. Not too long after, everyone was chiming in to hear it. I eventually gave in and cleared my throat. I let my eyelids hang over my eyes slightly and gave a cold stare. My knees hinged to highlight his lack of height.

"Tch. Stupid brats. If you don't clean up this entire mess, I'll make you run another 50 laps."

We all broke into laughter to the point where our stomachs started hurting. Even the tables next to us started to laugh. I loved spending time with them.

"What's with all the noise?"

Levi walked in looking angry at the cadets. They all stayed quiet, afraid to face him, everyone but me of course. I challenged him with my own glare.

"They were having fun Captain. That's what fun sounds like, not like you would know."

The whole room could feel the tension between Levi and I. It was so quiet, you could almost hear the panicked breathing of the cadets.

"Tch. Would you like to join them in their cleaning duties (L/N)?"

"Gladly. Now, let the kids have fun."

He let his gaze stay on me a while longer before heading back to wherever he came from. After our exchange, a lot of the cadets stayed quiet.

"(Y/N), that was so scary. Why did you do that?"

Sasha looked at me in horror. A few of the cadets had the same grim expression on their faces.

"I don't like putting up with bullshit like that."

"But now you have to clean with us."

Eren said almost apologetically. I reassured him with a smile.

"Hey, the more people means the quicker we get to finish cleaning!"

I was not gonna let a 5'3 man traumatize them. What they're facing is already bad enough.


On my way to my office, I was suddenly pushed against the wall next to my door. The impact was a little harsh, and scared the shit out of me.

"You think it's funny disrespecting me in front of the cadets?"


My blood boiled as I stared at him back. His appearance caught me by surprise. It was the worst I had ever seen him.

"If you didn't walk in and minded your own business, maybe I didn't have to."

"Tch. You're such a brat. I wish they never hired you."

He looks so broken.

It was heartbreaking to see someone full of anger. I softened my gaze. His eyes were dark and bloodshot. The uniform he had on was a bit crooked, and he smelt like coffee instead of tea. As much as I hated his guts, I felt like I wanted to help him.

Levi couldn't afford to lose it. So many people relied on him. He needed to pull himself together for humanity's sake.

Maybe... maybe I can change that?

I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away.


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