5 - You

624 18 5

Your POV

I was starting my second week being Mr.Grumpy's secretary. He didn't really bother me overall, we barely even talk. I felt like I got used to it. I had other friends anyways.

At the other side of the hall, I saw Hanji. I waved at her energetically!

"Hanji!! Good morning!!"

As expected, she ran towards me and picked me up. I laughed when she started twirling.

"Hey! You might break something! Stop that!"

Hearing that voice, it was no other than Captain Killjoy. I felt all emotions shut down when I faced him. For a second, I felt like I saw Levi's face change, like he was shocked, but it was quickly masked as he gave his infamous death stare.

"Awww, you're no fun shorty! C'mon (Y/N) let's go somewhere else."

I kept my cold gaze on the Captain as I walked away.

If you want to act like that, let's see how you like it.

Later that night...

I was done my paperwork, so I decided to lock up for the night. I just had to make a quick delivery to Levi's.

Wow... so fun..

I knocked and stated my name, wiped my feet, left the papers, and turned to leave.


Why is he talking to me?

I peeked over my shoulder at him. He looked irritated at me, but I didn't care.

"Face me when I'm talking to you!"

Without a word, I shifted and looked at him with a cold gaze. If he won't give me respect, then he shouldn't expect the same.

"I need you to help me clean my office tomorrow."

Tch. As if. Is this guy serious?!

"That's not a part of my job description Captain."

"Well, now it is. Right at dawn."

"I'm your secretary, not your maid."

I got him. He looked at me in disbelief. I bet no one
had the guts to talk to him that way. I wasn't afraid of him. Even he knew Commander Erwin liked me too much, and wouldn't dare fire me.

Levi just looked at me and said nothing else. I took it as a sign to leave, so I did.

The next morning...

I was in Commander Erwin's office, he told me that he would be switching my job to something else, that I was no longer Levi's secretary.

"Yeah, sorry about that (Y/N). I told Levi to give you at least a month, but he really insisted to have you do something out of his business."

Good. I didn't like working with him anyways.

"No worries Commander. So... what's my new position?"

"Actually. We are getting some new recruits in a couple days and I would really like it if you became their mentor outside of training. I feel like you have the social skills to do that."

"W-what do you mean sir? Am I not just going to be a normal secretary like the others?"

I looked at the Commander with a concerned expression. This was completely new and unexpected.

"I'm saying..."

He sensed I was stressed over this, it made him smile slyly. Commander dragged on his sentence, making me itch in anticipation.

"I'm saying you be their friend. Being in the Survey Corps is not the happiest experience, and you would be the perfect person to help relieve some stress. You can still help with the paperwork whenever, just let the other secretaries know ahead of time.

My job... is to be a friend?

"Sir. I would be honoured. Thank you."

Anything beats working for Levi.


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