27 - Both

375 15 3

Your POV

"Hey! Put me down!"

I was too shy to look at anyone, I just stared at the floor. Despite his height, Levi was really strong. It must be that Ackerman gene. He pushed through the mess hall doors with his other hand, while he kept the one on my back to secure me.

When we were out of everyone's sight, he placed me down. I looked at him angrily.

"You just embarrassed me in front of everyone."

He looked at me with his typical bored gaze. Levi didn't even seem upset. I continued my rant.

"It was just a game, I didn't want to be like 'ew no don't do it'. That's so lame! You're not even my boyfriend! So why are you all up in my business anyways! Jesus, they're gonna ask so many questions! I-"


He said sternly. His commanding voice made me stop talking.

"Do you like me? More than a friend?"

Levi's question threw me off guard. I blushed and couldn't look him in the eye all of a sudden. He chuckled lowly and pressed me into the wall. Now that he was closer, I noticed a faint smell of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking?"

"I did a bit when you weren't around. Now answer my question."

So that's why he's acting like this.

I wasn't scared though. I trusted Levi, and I knew he would never hurt me.

"Y-yeah, I do."

"Not Armin?"

"No, I don't see Armin that way."


"Okay. You can go back now."

He pulled away from me and smirked. I was beet red by now, since he practically forced me to confess my feelings.

"Oh before you go."

I felt a tug at my wrist, and I was facing him again. Levi leaned forward and planted a kiss right next to my lip. My heart exploded.

The sneaky bastard.

When we walked back into the mess hall, our friends looked straight at us. Hanji was wiggling her eyebrows at me, but I ignored her. I bowed my head low, to hide the fading blush on my face.

"Welcome back (Y/N), care to share what just happened? You look a bit flushed."

"Shut up, let's just play."

Levi's POV

The party continued on for a while. I just sat nearby (Y/N) and them, watching as they continued to play that stupid game. I was beginning to sober up again, which didn't take too long since I barely drank in the first place.

Who am I kidding... I can't get drunk. That act was me completely sober. *sigh*

The more I thought of it, the more I grew embarrassed at my past actions.

I really forced (Y/N) to confess her feelings because I needed reassurance, how pathetic.

I was still slightly pissed that Armin kissed her, but at least I'm the one she liked. The thought made me happy.

I noticed that (Y/N) was starting to drink a lot. Her voice got a lot louder too. She's probably drunk by now. I looked to the other side of the room. There were people dancing on that end. (Y/N) was right about making room for it.


Usually, I would be really annoyed when my name was said that way. I said usually because Hanji was the only person who sang it out, but surprisingly the voice came from (Y/N).

I watched her with wide eyes as she stumbled towards me. I managed to catch her in my arms when she fell forward into my chest.

"Comeeee! Let's danceee~~~~"

She dragged me by the arm to the dance floor. (Y/N) looked at me with hooded eyes and winked. I was confused by how her personality drastically changed from when she was sober.

(Y/N) took my hands and placed them around her waist. I immediately pulled away because it seemed sudden, and I was embarrassed as I began to notice people watching us. (Y/N) pouted and took my hands again to place around her waist, she held it there to prevent me from pulling away.

Soon I relaxed. (Y/N) noticed this and laughed as she flung her arms around my neck. She made it so our bodies were pressed around each other.

"Can you dance Captain?"

There was no denying the redness on my face. This was an entirely new experience.

"I-I haven't tried."

"That's okay! I'll lead!"

I wasn't sure if what we were doing was dancing, but Hanji still cheered us on. (Y/N) looked like she was having a lot of fun. Seeing her smile and laugh a lot, it was something that warmed my heart.

After a couple more minutes, her laughter died down. I felt more of her weight on me. I couldn't see her face since it was buried in my shoulder.


"Ooh... I think she fell asleep on you Captain."


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