29 - Levi

403 16 3

Levi's POV

My eyes snapped open.


I stood up and rushed into my bedroom.


She was sitting up, her eyes wide and full of tears. (Y/N) had the blankets bunched up to her chest. She was struggling to catch her breath. When her eyes focused on me she let out a wail.

I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her instinctively. She cried into my chest. I massaged the back of her head and tried to quiet her down.

"Don't leave please. I don't want you to die. I don't want anyone to die..."

(Y/N) was out of energy and could only let out hoarse whispers. She had another nightmare. Unfortunately, I couldn't reassure her that everything was going to be okay. I couldn't reassure her that everyone was going to come back.

"C'mon (Y/N). Let's go back to sleep."

"Stay with me please."

Her grip on my shirt was strong. I gently released her hands and tried to lie her down. I left the room to grab my pillow from the couch.

When I got into bed, I felt nervous with (Y/N) being beside me. (Y/N) was different, because the moment I got comfortable she moved into my space and tucked herself into my chest.


She hummed a response.

"I-I know this is probably a bad time to say this, but I can't think of when I can get the chance to..."

She stayed silent. It was hard to read her expression because her face was once again hidden in my chest.

"I'm very new to this feeling. I don't understand it at all, but I think I'm slowly starting to figure this one out. I-I guess what I'm trying to say is-"

(Y/N) shut me up by kissing me. I held my breath as I studied the feeling of her lips on mine. It made my stomach act weird.

"Can we go to sleep now?"

She asked in a soft voice.

"Uhh..umm..yeah, of course."

I reached over and blew out the candle before settling back into bed with (Y/N) in my arms.



"I like you a lot too."

I hated it. I hated it so much because I don't think I would ever be in this much peace ever after this. I wished things were different. The one time, I get this magical moment, and I don't even get to keep it for long.

I wish things were different.

The next morning...

I jolted awake because I noticed (Y/N) wasn't beside me this morning. Her side of the bed felt cold.


"In the living room!"

She replied. I let out a sigh of relief. Before anything, I went to get cleaned up in the bathroom. When I walked out into the living room, (Y/N) was sitting in my desk. She was looking over the plan for the expedition with a worried look on her face.

When she saw me, she smiled and stood up. I smiled when I saw that she made me some black tea. She placed the cup gently in my hands. (Y/N) leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

When she pulled away, there was a bit of pink on her cheeks.

"I-I hope that's okay."

To reassure her, I gave her a kiss back.

"It's perfect."

Her eyes twinkled at me. It made me really happy. We both sat down on the couch and faced each other.

"You know, I never really sleep in my bed. I've got to admit that last night was one of the best sleeps I've ever had and I think it's because of you."

"That's nice to hear. I-I liked it too. I don't remember much of last night. Care to fill me in?"

I told her everything from the dancing at the party to her nightmare. As I talked, (Y/N)'s face kept changing, showing an array of emotions. She felt embarrassed, happy, sad, confused, angry, etc. I laughed at her.

"Why are you laughing?! I went through so much and I only have a faint memory of all of that!!!"

"Calm down it's okay."

I reached over and pulled her close. I don't know why I did it, but it seemed right. She went stiff for a second before relaxing into my arms.

"I promise to look after you (Y/N). You mean a lot to me. Would you be my girlfriend?"

(Y/N) started to laugh. She pulled away and looked at my confused face.

"I get the pleasure to be humanity's strongest's girlfriend?! What would your fanclub think?! I don't want to start getting death threats here."

She bursted out laughing at her own sarcastic comment. I on the other hand was unamused.

"Oi, brat. It's a yes or no question."

"Awww, you're grumpy! How cute! Duh idiot! I kinda assumed after all this that we were gonna be a thing, but thank you for asking my little gentleman."


(Y/N) saw that I was upset at her comment, so she decided to give me a peck on the lips. It made me feel a bit better.

"Wait. (Y/N)? How old are you?"

She smirked at me devilishly. I gulped.

"I'm of legal age Captain, don't worry. I'll see you later ok?"

(Y/N) winked at me and left my room.

Thank the walls... I could've been in a lot of trouble.


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