15 - You

448 18 4

Your POV

I turned my body slowly towards him. Levi was casually signing papers. He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why do you look like you shit yourself?"

Nope. That's definitely him.

"You're being nice and it's weird."

"Tch. I can be nice, I just show it other ways."

He went back to writing. I laughed to myself and started placing the decorations around the office.

"Yeah... Wow! Levi didn't beat me up today, he's so nice!"

I mocked. I felt like he smiled at my comment even if I didn't see it.

"You seriously moved all my stuff here without asking me? What made you think you could do that?"

"Well... I assumed we both had mutual feelings for each other and would enjoy each other's company. We don't get to do that as much if you had your own office."

He answered seriously. There was no sarcasm or any aggression.

Is he being serious?

"Why? Do you not like it? Would you like to move back?"

Levi stopped and gave his full attention to me. I started fiddling with the small jar in my hands. He shouldn't be putting me on the spot with these questions. I was afraid to hurt his feelings.

"N-no! It was just so sudden."

"(Y/N), you do like my company right?"

Stop putting me on the spot you ass!


I wasn't sure of my answer because we barely knew each other, but I felt like it was the answer that would cause the least conflict.


I let out a mental sigh of relief as he went back to his paperwork. After placing my small decors around the office, I sat down and started my stack of papers.

Once in a while, I would feel Levi watch me. My performance anxiety would kick in and make me lose concentration once in a while. It started to bother me.

"Can I help you Captain?"

I said as I looked up to meet his eyes. Again, he's not bothered being caught in the act. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"If it's just us two, I'd prefer if you called me Levi."

"Okayy. Can I help you Levi?"

"No. I'm good."

Just like that, he kept his head down and went back to work.

There's something seriously wrong with this guy...

I looked out the window to see that it was almost dinner time. Quickly, I organized the papers I had before getting up to leave. Levi watched as I gave him a quick bow.

"Where are you going?"

"Dinner with the cadets sir."

"Oh. I'll come with."


He started organizing his desk before accompanying me out the door. We walked side by side to the mess hall. People gave us strange looks on the way. Levi didn't seem to mind, but I kind of did. I guess it was weird since most knew that we had a tense relationship.

Once we got to the mess hall, Levi opened the door for me and waited for me to enter first. I blushed slightly at the courteous move.

"I'll see you after?"

He called out to me before I started making my way to Eren's table.

"Maybe.. I might be doing something with the cadets."

I could see the slight disappointment in his eyes when I said that. It made me feel a bit guilty.

"Umm.. I'll drop by if I have time!"

When I said that, Levi went back to a more neutral look and nodded. From there I was able to go see the cadets. They looked happy to see me. I sat next to Armin and ruffled his hair.

"Hey guys how was training?"

I looked up and saw them huddled over me with devilish smirks at me. I buckled slightly under them, confused at what they wanted.


"Why were you with Captain Levi hmmm???"

"We saw he even held the door open for you!!"

"Yeah! I thought you guys hated each other's guts???"

"What changed this time???"

Oh lord, I didn't notice we made that much of a scene.

I gestured from them to sit, afraid that it would catch the attention of more people. They all settled down, their attention on me didn't waver.

"Guys, as of today... I am the Captain's secretary again..."



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