3 - You

674 18 5

Your POV

"So are you all settled in?"

"Yes Commander. Thank you again for this opportunity. I will surely work hard."

I gave Commander Erwin a salute. He smiled at me.

You know? Even if his eyebrows makes him look grumpy, he's a pretty nice guy.

"Alright. I'm just giving you a heads up. Levi isn't the most welcoming soldier, but he means well."

"I'm just here to work sir, no relations needed."

He nodded at me. Just then, the door opened revealing a smaller grumpy looking guy. Erwin leaned over to me to whisper a side note.

"Also, don't shake his hand. He's a germaphobe."

I straightened up to face my new boss. His appearance made my eyes widen slightly. Captain stared straight at Commander Erwin, obviously unamused. He hasn't made eye contact with me at all.

Jesus... this is the guy I'm working for? He looks miserable.

"Captain Levi, this is (Y/N)(L/N) your secretary. She'll be working in room 210. Can you show her to her office and possibly give her a tour?"

"Hanji can give her a tour. I'm busy."

"Okay, but you have to tell her. At least show (Y/N) to her office, and your office too."

"Tch. Fine. Let's go."

Commander Erwin looked at me apologetically. I reassured him that it was alright and followed Levi out the room. He was quiet the entire walk, looking straight ahead.

I refused talk to him. He seemed rude. I don't think I would get a proper response from him anyways.

"So, Captain.. how long have you been with the Survey Corps."

"Many years."

Yup. I knew it.

We stopped in front of a door with a number 210 on it. Levi looked at me for the first time. His cold stare brought chills down my spine. The bags under his eyes were bigger than his actual eyes.

Maybe that's why they hired me. He looks terrible.

Now I felt bad for the guy. He surely looked like he had been through a lot.

"This is my office, I have a floor mat for whenever you enter. Remember to wipe your feet and knock. If you have any questions ask the other secretaries. Only come to me when you have finished papers."

We continued down the hall in silence, stopping at my office.

"Here's your office."

With that he walked away, nothing more nothing less. I turned to my office to open it with a key Commander gave me. Before I walked in, I contemplated on thanking the Captain.

Ugh... fine.

"Captain Levi?"

I called after him. He stopped in his place and looked over his shoulder at me. Levi didn't even verbally respond, he just waited.

Jeez. At least face at me.

"Thank you."

He hummed as a response.

THIS BIT- A HUM? Seriously?

I sighed to myself and continued into my office. I sat my suitcase down on my desk and started to unpack. The office was quite nice. I had a desk at the far back with a chair. There was a couch to the side, a small table in front of it, a tall shelf on the opposite side , and my own private washroom.

The day went by and I was placing my finishing touches of home into the office. Maybe one day I'll go into town to get more decorations.

"MS. (L/N)!!!!~~~"

I got startled by the booming voice on the opposite side of the door.

"C-come in?"

A tall brunette girl barged in. She was wearing glasses and had a huge smile on her face.

"Hi!! I'm Hanji Zoe, I'm one of the squad leaders here. Please just call me Hanji! We're gonna be great friends I just know it."

At least she's nice. I think I'm gonna like her quite a bit. She already seemed so friendly.

"Best friends!"

I replied, trying to match her energy. I saw her eyes light up which made me smile.

The rest of the day, Hanji and I toured around HQ. We talked and talked and talked. It was kind of hard to keep up with her sometimes. We had dinner and she passed me to another secretary to teach me about the job.

So far, besides Levi, everyone has been very welcoming. Even though I missed home, I think I'll grow to like this place.


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