Chapter 1

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     Grian flew over the shopping district, his wings giving himself a tilt towards Rens wood shop. The sun was going down and Grian wanted to hurry.

He was getting the wood for a shulkerbox which would take place in one of Grians mystery barge treature hunt boxes.

Grian flew down, landing on the mycelium with a small thud. The mycelium resistance had only just changes out half of the shopping districts grass to the purple block. It really didnt look good but the resistance had decided to ignore that fact.

The small hermit stepped forward, opening one of Rens shulker boxes. Piles of oak wood laid inside and Grian scooped them out, exchanging them with diamonds.

He took a step back while putting the wood into his inventory. The sun had already gone down a bit more and Grian wished the days were longer.

Preparing himself, Grian lifted up into the air. He was glad he didnt have to buy rockets. As soon as Grian had joined hermitcraft he had actual wings. The were a dark red as well.

No one questioned it though- if they did they would also have to question why Cleo was a Zombie and why Iskall had an eletric eye.

Grian started to glide over to the shopping district portal. Its purple aroma lit up the brick stone around it, creating this odd effect as it always did.

Grian was about to step inside the portal when he heard a fellow hermits voice from above him. He assumed they were walking down the town hall stairs.

"-I mean, what could be the harm?"

Grian recognized the mayor's voice and it carried on.

"Well no actually there could be a lot of harm. I'm just saying you would get 10 diamonds an hour if you agreed! You wouldn't have to work every moment, only when I was walking into something the resistance probably planned! It's already half of your job as the enforcer- this time it's just a bit more dangerous!"

Grian quickly pressed himself against the wall that was beside him. This might give him a clue to what the HEP was planning next. The two guys were now at the bottom of the stairs. They were walking down the path Scar had made a long while back.

Grian crept after them, ears intent on trying to hear them.

"I dont know dude, didnt you lose all your stuff the other day?" Cubs voice rang. Grian couldnt get the expressions of their faces due to the fact they were facing the other way.

"Well yeah, but that's why you would be getting paid! A body guard right now could come in big handy." The mayor said, clearly determined to settle this deal with the enforcer.

Grian stepped into the small patch of trees that scar had made. The two chattering hermits had stopped and were now facing eachother while they talked.

"Alright, I-" cub broke off when a twig snapped under Grians sneaker. Cursed stick! Grian thought, his breath catching.

Jellie, Scars cat, then stepped out from the other side of the walkway. The feline had also been in the woods.

"Oh, it was just you Jellie! I thought that we had a culprit here for a second!" The mayor said, leaning down to pick up Jellie and cradle her like a baby.

Oh thank the queens crown! Grian let out a suppressed breath he had been holding.

"As I was saying," Cubs voice broke the air again, "I guess I agree. But if I do get all my stuff blown up or something like that you have to help me get at least some stuff back."

The mayor hezataited before agreeing. "Fine. Deal?"


Grian looked at them. Scar had a body guard now, did he? Grian let out a small smile. He could have fun with that. Maybe place down a trap the HEP thought was a hint, and it would let the first person by then kill the one after that? No, that probably wouldn't work. There would be more than just Cub and Scar there. Grian realized that the two hermits were still talking.

"Well now since we have the old mycelium resistance base," the HEP had found it earlier that week, "I'm thinking we use it to hide something when we need to. Why would the resistance look at their old base?"

Grian made a mental note of that sentence and gave one on his red wings a small flick.

"Yeah maybe. Listen, I gotta go home. It's almost midnight! Can we talk more tomorrow?" Cub seemed a little impatient.

"Alright. See ya!" Scar waved as Cub walked through the portal. Grian was glad he moved into the trees, if he had stayed at the portal then Cub for sure would have seen him. Scar put Jellie down who padded away.

The major looked at his watch for a second, tapping it. The small square screen lit up. Scar gazed at it before following in Cubs footsteps and going towards the portal.

The watch was how the hermits typed to eachother. Xsumias had a bit more settings because he was an admin.

Grian looked up, the sky fully dark. He too walked to the portal, the purple swirls talking him away.


Grian was at his base, just sitting on a shulkerbox while leaning against the wall behind him. He was trying to think of ideas on how to trick the HEP.

Right then the mycelium resistance was still winning but it seemed as if the HEP had stepped up their game. They had found the HQ and Grian still hadn't started on the new base.

He felt his watch buzz and Grian tapped it. The screen lit up with a few messages on it.

GoodTimesWithScar: Bdubs didn't you want some Moopop?

Bdubs: Oh yes! I'm sure it's as good as it sounds!

GoodTimesWithScar: K meet me at town hall

Bdubs: Will do!

Grian couldnt help feel a bit of annoyance. When they had first built the Town hall Bdubs and Scar had helped him do it but they both turned on his 'Mumbo for mayor' thing right away.

Now Bdubs was like the teachers pet even though the teacher wasnt a very good one. No, that was rude- it was all fun and games. But Grian couldnt help himself from being a bit angry at them even though he shouldnt.

No Grian wasnt angry- this was all for fun. He turned off his watch while arguing with himself. Then a voice like his but a tone deeper rang into his head. It sounded as if several people who had the same voice were speaking at the same time. It was... familiar.

But is it actually fun? The voice asked.

Grian found himself not being as freaked out as he should be but answering that question.

Not really...

Was Grian doing war just for the sake of war?


Hello! The story creator here! This is one of my first times making a story, please dont judge me too hard! I welcome advice on how to approve my story! Thank you for reading! This has 1198 words.


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