Chapter 21

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WARNING: Violence, death, very dark thoughts.

All of the hermits were silently gaping at Bdubs.

False had her hands over her mouth. Scar was horrified. Etho was covering his face.

Grian stood above the dead body. No respawns.

Then Xisuma stuttered "B-but how? Y-you.. o-only... "

Grian looked over at him. "You only what?" He asked.

"I- you can only cause no respawns if your an admin!" He said. His words seemed to tell everyone Bdubs wasn't coming back. Grian could see a tear go down Scars cheek before he wiped it away with his sleeve.

Grian looked down at Bdubs. His head was smashed and two long wounds were in his side and leg.

Grian still had blood all over him. He looked over to Etho who was already looking at Grian. Ethos eyes told Grian that he had gotten through to him. Grians smile returned.

Then a rage came from the mayor. "How can you be smiling?! This is not funny! You pernemantaly KILLED him and you don't give a SHIT about it! I don't want you here anymore! I wished you never joined hermitcraft!" He yelled.

Everyone was taken aback. Grian had never actually seen Scar get angry.

He flickered his head towards the mayor. "You're right." His words weren't angry or mad.

Everything was silent for a few minutes.

"He's.. gone...." False muttered.

Grian realized all the watching hermits were still focused on Bdubs death.

Then Mumbo walked in. He had a jar of redstone dust in one hand and nothing in the other. "Hey, I heard someone screaming-" he started before looking around the room. His eyes eventually caught onto Bdubs body. The glass of redstone dust fell out of his hands, shattering on the ground.

"B-Bdubs! What happened?!" He asked, his eyes widening while he took a small step back.

"Grian killed him. Pernemantaly." Doc said in his low voice.

"He- he what?" Mumbo stuttered. His breath quickened and he looked at Grian.

"Y-you.. a-are you going to kill me t-too?" He said, his voice repeating things over the shock.

Grian blinked. "If you want me to." He said casually.

Mumbo shook his head. "I- and he trapped all of you?" The mustached man asked, looking around at all the jail cells. All of the trapped people except Etho nodded.

Mumbo seemed to not know how to take the news. His eyes met Grians again. "And you don't care? That you killed him?"

Grian shook his head. "He was annoying anyways."

Everyone was quiet. It was starting to get awkward. Grian turned away from Mumbo and gazed around the room.

Everyone was crying. No one made snuffs or sniffs, they all just wiped away their tears silently. Scar was sitting on the ground, head laying on his knees. Cub still looked shocked, his position standing with his arms in no specific place. Xisuma seemed in thought. He was standing, tears clouding his eyes while they were furrowed.

And Grian didn't feel any guilt. Any remorse. His jaw just settled.

Grian faced Mumbo again. Mumbo was crying as well, tears sliding down his face. Grian was still holding his sword. If he killed Mumbo Grian wouldn't make it permanent. But he wanted to cause even more sorrow. More pain. He liked seeing their broken faces.

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