Chapter 16

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     Grian saw Etho's base in the distance. Its beautiful mess of blocks had more connected to it then Grian had saw last time.

The sword was still in his hand and a light rain was still coming down.

How was Grian going to do this?

His grip tightened on the sword before he put it back in his inventory.

He realized with satisfaction even if he did start a fire the rain would put it out.

Grian flew into Ethos base. He landed and shook his wings out, getting water splashed on everything around him.

He looked around. He could hear distant voices and he walked towards them.

Eventually he came out into Ethos greenery room. Flowers dotted the ceiling and bamboo grew at the walls. A bridge led across the room and water laid beneath it. A llama in a minecart was being carried back and forth in the walls.

The room made normally made Grian smile, but not this time.

Etho, Xisuma, Cub, Doc, Joe, Impulse, and xB were at the middle of the bridge sitting at a little circle white table. Impulse and Cub had to stand due to what Grian supposed was lack of chairs.

Impulse was the first to spot him. "Oh hey Grian!" He said.

Gradually everyone turned towards him with mixed expressions.

Impulse, xB, and Etho looked welcoming, Xisuma looked curious and cautious, Cub looked anything but friendly, Joe looked smile-y, and Grian couldn't tell for Doc.

Grian let out a silent dreaded sigh and smiled. "Hey guys!" He managed to muster out.

"Hi Grian!" Etho said.

Grian and Etho made eye contact. Grian quickly pulled his gaze away.

"Hi Grian." Xisuma said.

Grian knew that Xisuma knew why Grian had come. It was a bit of a coincidence for the group- Grian coming when they were discussing something important.

Some rain managed to get through the tightly vine woven ceiling and it landed a drop on Grians shoulder.

Grian looked around at them. "I'll shoot it at you all straight. I've come to kill you." The hermits that had been sitting all stood quickly and simultaneously.

Grian met Ethos gaze. "Well not you. But for the rest of you," Grian took his sword out, "I'm sorry."

Cub, Joe, Doc, and Xisuma got their swords out as well.

Grian wasnt suprized that xB and Impulse didn't gear up. Impulse had spent a lot of time with him and xB had for Etho. They knew better than most that Grian and Etho were still the same. Well, mostly.

"Grian, it told you to do this?" X asked.

Grian met his gaze and nodded.

Xisuma took a step back. He must know that Grian was going to no matter what.

Grian looked around. Their faces were scared. Scared.. they were scared of him.

Grians grip on his sword became harder.

Then he heard something behind him.

An ender pearl had been thrown; Cub was now behind him.

Grian turned around to see Cubs sword swinging at his head. Grian ducked down, kicking out Cubs feet from beneath him. He was about to plunge his sword down when something knocked him over.

Joe was now standing over him. Grian kicked his leg forward, hitting Joe in the special spot.

"Agh!" Joe yelled, crumbling over. Grian jumped up and his sword went through his neck.

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