Chapter 5

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     Right when Grian went through the portal to the shopping district he was met face-to-face with a worried sick Xisuma.

"Oh, hello Grian! I just got- uh- very..." Xisuma stuttered as he slowly took in the look on Grians face.

"And for some reason now I think it has something to do with you......" Xisuma said slowly.

Grian looked up at him. "Hi X. What's the news?" Grian casually said, putting the sword in his inventory. For now.

"W-well I just got notified that something has joined the server...." X looked like he was going to continue but didnt as if he didnt trust Grian with the full story.

Grian gave Xisuma a hard gaze. "Move." Grians voice wasn't friendly. He suddenly didnt care that this was the admin.

"I-im sorry Grian, but I cant do that. I have a feeling what your about to do isnt good..."

"Xisuma if I were you I would move." Grians wing tip twitched. He wasnt planning on hurting X. What if he flew above him? Grians eyes flickered above the bee suit. That might work.

Xisuma took in a breath and his eyes widened. "I...." he looked behind him as if checking if anyone were there. Then he looked back at Grian.

"Grian, what are you planning?"


"What? On who??"

"Anyone who deserves it." Grian pulled his sword back into his hand.

Suddenly Xisuma yelled "FALSE!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW! PIN HIM!" And in a second False swiped X aside, shoving over Grian and planting her knee on his chest. Grian let out a startled yelp.

The sword he was holding was kicked from his hand.

"Wait why am I pinning Grian to the ground right now?" False asked, turning her head to Xisuma. Grian used that moment she wasnt looking to use his wings and shove himself upward.

He dived to the side and grabbed his diamond sword again hard, before jumping back up and snarling at False and X.

"Move out of my way!" He growled.

False shared a look with X before Cub came, running into the scene. "What's going on over here? I can here it all the way from the diamond throne! Or- kinda the diamond throne. It's more of lols now."

Grian looked at Cub, his eyes lightening up. Scar was in the Town hall.

Grian blinked at all three of them. "If you guys will excuse me I'll be on my way."

Cub took a step back, not knowing what was happening, but X and False stayed put, their eyes concerned and fierce.

Grians hand tightened around his blade. "Fine." He said with a smile before diving forward so fast no one had the time to even think about reacting.

In the end he was on the other side of the small group and False was laying on the ground with a deadly wound across her chest.

"I think you guys might want to check on her." Grian said casually. He watched as the blood dripped from his weapons edge. It gathered before falling into the pool of Falses gathering blood.

"Guys! We need a medic!" Cub yelled, running beside Grian and up the stairs. Grian suddenly remembered that Scar was a medic.

But Xisuma was looking at Grian, horror in his eyes. "You didnt even kill her so she could re-spawn." He muttered.

Grian looked at him before down at False who was part of the HEP... his thoughts flashed to the voice suddenly. The voice... something had joined the server.... was it the voice?

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