Chapter 19

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     Etho was sitting up in his bed. The cave covered both him and Grian, and the dim light of night shone through the entrance.

Two beds were at the back opposite sides of eachother. Etho in one and Grian in the other. A crafting table and oven were near the exit to the cave along with a small table. A few chests were stacked as well.

Etho had been waiting for Grian to fall asleep. A day had passed since the Campfure massacre and Etho kept coming back to one thought.

What if I leave?

By that he ment go back to the hermitcrafters. Let them jail him. If he didn't Etho was scared he might turn out like Grian.

So he was waiting for Grian to fall asleep. He didn't want to think about how Grian would react, although it couldn't be anything good.

Very small snores split through the night. Etho pushed off his covers slowly and stood. Suddenly Grian let out a larger snore before back to the smaller ones. Etho let out a smile. He wished he could tease Grian about that.

He padded towards the cave entrance. Vines hung over it. The lighting of the moon was very dim.

Etho took a step towards the chests and started to flip through them. He cringed every time a chest made a noise when he opened it and when it closed. He eventually found what he was looking for. He reached in the chest and took out a sign. Placing it firmly in the ground he wrote:


I'm sorry Grian but I can't do this anymore.


Ps. You snore lol


Etho took a step back and admired his work. He looked back at Grian. Etho didn't know how the winged hermit would react. Probably do something crazy.

Etho walked out of the cave. Small jungle noices drifted in the air. He closed his eyes for a minute. He could still stop. He could still stay. But he would have to hurt hermits. A twinge about that thought actually made him want to stay. No. No. No. He couldn't. And that twinge was the reason why.

Grian had let it defeat him. Etho would not do the same.

So he took out rockets in his hands. An elytra was on his back. It had no enchantments.

And he used a rocket. Etho zoomed up in the air, almost hitting a branch. "Yikes!" He yelped before narrowly dipping to the side and avoiding it.

Then he was actually off. He flew into the night.


It took a long while until he saw the shopping district. He and Grian had chosen to go way far out; his wings were almost out of durability.

But he landed. The sun was now sliding upwards. Hermits would soon walk the streets. Etho realized that if anyone saw him they would probably freak out.

He was standing in front of Mount. Scarmor. Scars name made him think of what happened two days before. Was Scar really healed like Xisuma had said?

Voices proved his answer. "Alright Bdubs, really, I'm fine!" Scar said.

Ethos eyes widened. "Oh snappers!" He whispered to himself before diving into the bushes beside him. He was next to Bdubs huge carved out stone face.

His mask had come off when he had jumped. He pulled it back up before peeking out. Scar and Bdubs walked out of the mountain.

"Are you sure though?" Bdubs asked. "I mean, he really did something to you! Oh, that little sneaky man!"

"Yes, Bdubs. I promise on baby Jellie!" Scar laughed a tiny bit before continuing. "I still have trouble sleeping but it's nothing big."

Bdubs nodded. "Well okay then. The woods are destroyed! Have you seen the damage?"

Scar shook his head. "No not yet. But I saw all the deaths.."

Etho felt guilt shake through him. When he had done that he hadn't been thinking clearly.

"But that's beside the point. Speaking of points, Xisuma thinks he can pin-point Grian and Ethos location." Scar looked over at Bdubs to see his opinion at his pun.

"Oh no! That was bad!" Bdubs remarked.

Scar laughed. "It feels good to actually make a joke! Before I was.." he trailed off. Assumingly opened to memories.

Bdubs put a hand on his shoulder.

They were silent. Etho looked at the ground. Should he step out? Bdubs and Scar definitely wouldn't react well. Maybe he should wait for X.

But if he didn't go now, what if he decided not to later?

Etho stood up and stepped out. He raised his arms like a criminal facing the police.

Sacr noticed him first, letting out a gasp. "Etho! W-what?"

Bdubs looked his way. "Oh no! That's not good!"

Etho closed his eyes before opening them again. "Umm.. I'm not here to hurt. Im.. I'm turning myself in." He said.

Bdubs sneered. "Why? So you can attack us from the inside?"

Etho shook his head. "I have nothing on me but rockets and wings. Grian isn't stable anymore and I don't agree with his acts." Etho said.

Scar and Bdubs shared a look. "Well.. alright then I guess.." Scar said.

And suddenly Ethos insides were screaming at him. Kill him. Now. It would be so easy. You dont even need a sword. Just use your arm and choke him out-

No. No. No. No. Etho wouldn't do that. "Hurry." he muttered.

Scar quickly ran over to him. He hezataited before taking Ethos arms and putting them behind his back.

"Are you sure it's safe? He might have a trick up his sleeve!" Bdubs said.

Scar shrugged. "Even if its not this is a chance I'm willing to take." He paused before adding, "Go and get some other hermits inside."

Bdubs ran off into the mountain.

Scar started to take Etho inside. Hands were tighing his two wrists together. He could probably get out if he wanted to. Scar really wasn't that strong.

The mayor took him inside Mount. Scarmor.

Etho was trailed through the hallways. Soon False, Cub, Bdubs, and Tango were also leading him.

"So he just turned himself in? This is clearly a trick! In my opinion we just take him somewhere else entirely!" False said.

Scar looked over. "Do we have anywhere else to put him?"

His question was met with silence.

"We'll make something later." Scar said.

Soon Etho was trailed to the familiar jail cells. Now he really wanted to fight. He could just take Cubs sword. That would be easy enough. If he-

Etho cut himself off again. No. No. No. So close. Scar gently opened the jail door that was right next to the desk. Etho stepped inside and Scar closed it again.

He locked it with a key. They must have made a new pair.

Etho looked up at them. Was this right? He thought about Grian. Again he wondered how the winged guy would react.

And far away Grian awoke and read the signs. He was not happy.


Hello! Story writer here! Thanks for reading lots! The story is really going fast. This part has 1193 words.


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