Chapter 14

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     Grian was sitting in his lower base up against a wall. His knees were drawn up to his chest and his head was burried in them. His arms were wraped around his legs.

He sat his head back and let it thump against the wall.

He couldnt stop thinking about NPC Grian. About...

Grian shook his head.

He needed to stop.

A bloodied sword laid beside him. It had been 2 days since his meeting with Xisuma had happened.

He had cut his arm so much after that. To the point where his vision had gotten blurry and he temporarily couldnt stand.

But that was fine.

The dark thoughts kept coming to his head and Grian kept ignoring them. He hoped they would go away.

But he knew they wouldn't.

Grian... long time no talk. I see your at a bit of a... downfall....

Grian flinched. The voice had spoke. NPC Grian, Grian realized.


Grian thought back at it sharply. He couldn't deal with this right now...

Well... you do realize I can take over you at any moment, right? I dont think its smart to use tone on me....

Grian rolled his eyes. The voice was acting like a strict mother. I dont think its smart to use tone on me, younge man! He mocked it to himself and his lips cracked in a small smile.

I'll make a deal with you...

NPC Grian was obviously losing his calmness. The voice was a bit annoyed.

Hmm? What is it?

Grian asked without much interest. He just.. he just didnt care anymore.

Well you care about your friends, dont you? The deal is if you do what I tell you to do willingly then I won't permanently kill your fellow hermits. If you don't do what I tell you to.... they all die.

Grian paused before thinking,

Well theres hardly a choice is there? And your able to technically take over me anyways so why make this deal?

Controlling you can be... I have my own reasons. So deal?

Grian dug his hand through his hair. He already knew he would have to accept. Permanently killing... Grian thought of Mumbo. And Impulse. And Iskall. And just all the hermits which brought up a question.

Before I do anything, why did you decide to go for Etho? You went for no one else but me and him. Why?

NPC Grian didn't answer right away. But after a minute he replied:

That's another thing I'm keeping to myself. I might tell you later on, but for right now, is it a deal?

Grian took a shattering breath. After he accepted he would have to do anything NPC Grian told him to. He knew that.

Even if it meant killing. But killing wasn't permanently killing- they would respawn. But that was... Xisuma might actually have to ban him. Although Grian knew that X would only go to that if things got way out of hand.

Grian stood up. He closed his eyes. He was tired of this. Tired of giving up. Tired of cutting. Tired of lying. Tired of being tired.

He opened them again with a new ferocity. He would have to accept this deal but that didnt mean he couldnt make it difficult for NPC Grian.

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