Chapter 6

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     Grian came back to the present, and he was still flapping his wings while in the air. Everything was as it was before he had gone out. Did the vision not take up any time?

His eyes widened in horror as he looked at False.

He crumpled onto the floor, his knees hitting the ground hard.

"I-im so sorry! A-a thing came and it... and it took over me...." Grian stuttered.

Scar looked crazy now. He was holding his knees up to his chest while leaning his back against the brick stone wall, sitting down.

Grians eyes widened before his attention was turned away by X.

Xisuma looked over at him. "What do you mean took over you? Did it brainwash you?"

Grian responded with a nod. But NPC Grian hadn't done that. Grian was lying.

Hearing a small gasp of pain he looked over at Mumbo.

Blood was spilling over his hands which he had plastered over his bleeding leg.

Grian stood up before flailing on his legs, almost falling over again but steadying himself out.

Then a small voice came through clenched teeth. "Just kill me, I'll respawn."

The winged hermit turned around to see False had said the words.

But dying was a horrible feeling. Horrible. It gave you all the sadness, anger, heart brokenness, and pain anyone has ever had combined together to form this feeling that made you not even want to come back to the world.

But Falses pride was there. Grian knew she could take all of that and worse if it came to it.

"False, are you sure?" X asked, his eye brows scrunching up.

False gave a nod. "Just make it quick."

X stood up and took his sword. Grian looked away as Xisuma took a swing. A buzz from his watch came and Grian knew it said Flase was slain by X. He looked back at the pool of Falses blood which was all that remained.

Mumbo started to stand up, his hurt leg in the air with no weight put on it.

"Mumbo, are you okay?" Xisuma asked him. Mumbo nodded while biting his lower lip. "You might want to worry about Scar first..." his voice was cracked with pain.

Both X and Grian instinctively looked over at Scar.

His eyes were looking around as if he thought he were somewhere else, somewhere not safe. Drips of sweat came down the side of his face. He still had his arms wrapped around his knees and he was rocking slowly back and forth. What did Grian do to him?

As if thinking the same thing X asked, "Grian, what did you do..?"

Grian didnt have a answer. He shook his head. "I dont know..."

Xisuma took a step forward and gently put his hand on Scars shoulder. Scar jumped back as if he had been jump scared.

Grian took a step back. Then another. And another. He looked at the three hermits that were surrounding him.

"I'm so sorry..." Grian repeated.

Xisuma met his eye. "Grian... I'm going to need to talk to you at my base. For right now we need to help Scar and Mumbo.

Grian nodded and took a soft stride towards his mustached friend. But Mumbo looked at him before looking at the ground. "..I want X to help me...."

Grian could hear the anyone but you under his words. And Grian understood. No one would even want to see Grian after this.

Except for two people apperentally.

Xisuma and NPC Grian.


Grian walked into one of Xisumas bee towers. It was the biggest one and Grian hoped it was the right one. Thankfully he heard "Grian, over here." And he turned his head to see Xusuma sitting on the opposite ledge of the tower with his legs hanging over the jungle below.

Grian joined him, plopping himself next to the bee armored hermit.

"Grian, can you tell me what happened?" Xisuma didnt meet Grians gaze. It was looking a little downward.

Grian looked down as well. "I... dont know. Something just.. came over me." Maybe if he altered the story it wouldn't sound like half of it was his fault.

But X knew better than that. "Now the whole story, please?"

Grian gripped his teeth tight together. He waited for a moment before muttering, "I started hearing a voice."

Xisuma simply waited for Grian to go on, not hurrying him.

"At first it just said dark thoughts that were at the back of my mind. Thoughts that I... agreed with but didnt want to admit." Grian looked up at the sky where the jungle trees met it.

"A-and.. It...." should Grian admit that most of the decisions had actually been his own? Well they were kind of his. NPC Grian only said that he had just sent some thoughts and feelings....

"It gave me some thoughts and feelings." He went on, copying his thoughts. "I dont know how. But anger just swallowed me. And with the war going on... I couldnt loose." Grians voice hardened a little on the last part. It made X have to resist shifting around uncomfortably.

"And it went on for a while. Then the voice... promised me something. Something a frustrated Grian couldnt resist. Even if it might have been a lie I wouldn't have anything to loose anyways."

Grian stopped himself short. Maybe it was better if Xisuma didnt know the whole deal.

"I dont want to go into detail. But after... it felt as if I could do anything. As if I could... anything... and my anger ran loose. I had.. had to get...." Grian shook his head. No. He wouldn't say the word...

He sucked in a breath. Xisuma probably thought he was crazy. And maybe he was crazy.

Grian opened his mouth to mention the dream but nothing came out. He would keep that to himself for now.

They waited for a moment before Xisuma said, "Do you think.. it will try to come over you again?"

"Yeah. It will."

"Will you let it?"

Grian paused. He remembered the feelings he had when he got his 'that word' vividly. And they weren't bad feelings. Well maybe the why they were there was bad, but they themselves weren't bad.

Grian remembered the creepy smile that was over NPC Grians face. The pitch black eyes...  and how it said that it was only getting payback on Grian.

Payback? For what? No. Grian shouldn't think about the word payback. It was too close to the other word.

Sunset started to spread across the sky. Grian realized he still hadn't answered Xisumas question.

"I wont let it if I can stop it. But X,.. can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Can you tell me the server I came from before this?"

Xisuma was already shaking his head no. "I cant, trust me. If I did it might bring back memories. And... some of the servers you guys came from weren't very pleasant."

Grian held back a sigh. "Well, see you around dude."

He got up, his legs a bit stiff.

"Wait Grian, do you promise to tell me anything new?" Xisuma asked.

"...Yeah. I will." He lied.

Jumping off the edge he flew into the sunset.


Hello! Story writer here! Thanks so much for reading! This part has 1215 words. Thanks!


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