Chapter 15

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     Grian quickly realized that not all hermits were going to be as friendly as Ren was.

He has spotted Joe, Keralis, Bdubs, and False. None of them came up to greet him.

Grian found it suprizing that Bdubs wasnt with the mayor; he would have expected them to be together even more now that Scar was...

Grian shook his head. Shaking his head was starting to become a habit to clear his mind.

He looked down and thought.

Grian took out his watch.

Grian: Xisuma could we talk?

Xisumavoid: Yeah sure dude

Grian: K where are u rn?

Xisumavoid: In the nether just meet me at your base I'll be there in a minute

Grian: Kk

He closed his watch and went through the neather, quickly emerging out of his portal as his mantion.

Grian set up a table and chairs as fast as he could in the villager system pit then waited for Xisuma to arrive.

A few minutes went by before X flew in and took a seat.

"Sorry, I dont think I've actually been at your base before. I tried to go through the mantion doors up top." He said.

Grian nodded. "Yeah, I would have done the same thing."

"So what are we hear to talk about?" Xisuma asked.

Grian didn't know if he was imagining it but X seemed a bit cautious. He probably wasn't imagining it. After what Grian has done anyone in their right-mind would be a bit scared that he would suddenly go crazy.

"Well first off I'm sorry about me blowing out in all of your faces at the small meeting... I just- ..after Impulse and Mumbo confronted me..." Grian said.

Xisuma nodded. "Don't worry about it. I understand."

"And... well I'm going to try and get better. Mc. G- I mean, NPC Grian-"

Xisuma broke in. "Wait, Mc. G? Do you call him Mc. G?"

Grian laughed. "Well yeah! I'm trying to make his revenge as hard as possible!"

Xisuma looked at Grian, amusement in his eyes. But then he said, "Revenge?" And the amusment dissapeared.

Grian froze. Then shook his head. Xisuma already knew a ton of things so this really didn't matter.

"Can I- can I explain the few things I know?" Grian asked.

Xisuma nodded. Looked a bit relieved as well.

Grian sighed. "Wel-"

You are pushing your luck, talking alone with the admin...

This time Grian actually did freeze.

He had forgotten about Mc. G even though they were litterally talking about him.

"Xisuma... I- you have to go..." Grian looked away.

X looked at him, starting to stand in his chair. "Wait, why?"

"I had to make a deal with NPC Grian. I would have to do whatever he said or everyone would pernemantaly die. And NPC Grian just spoke to me. He said I was pushing my luck... just... I'm going to explain everything by whispering to you on watch. Right now you have to leave. If I don't say anything it's because I've been told to do something."

Xisuma nodded. "Alright Grian..." he said, taking his elytra and leaving.

It was silent for a minute. Then Grian stood up.

He dug his hands through his hair and left them there for a second, gripping his head. Grian let out a sigh and dropped his arms.

He tapped his watch and started to explain things about NPC Grian through typing. He didn't explain every detail like how apperentally before hermitcraft Grian had treated Mc. G badly or anything like that. He made sure he was whispering to X so other hermits couldnt see the conversation.

Grian just explained enough. About the feeling he got when he started to go phyco mode. About how he couldn't control his thoughts. About the deal he had made with Mc. G.

But he never said anything that would make Xisuma think he was getting violent.

He didn't explain that he wanted to hurt hermits or that he wanted to destroy everything he possibly could- of course he didn't. Grian didn't mention anything about his own feelings on the matter exept that he was going to try to get better mentally.

It was so much easier to explain things through a screen than face-to-face.

Grian finally finished after what seemed like forever.

Xisuma: Grian... I don't know how yet, but we can fight. We can always fight back in some way. Just hang in there.

Grian didn't reply back and just closed his watch.

He just walked through the hallway that led to the outside and stopped at the edge.

Rain was falling now.

Sprinkling as first before it started to pour.

And Grian watched.


Grian, I need you to go find and kill Xisuma. Everyone you see with him as well. They are getting close to figuring something out that I don't want them to.

Mc. G spoke into Grians mind. Grian looked up. He had dozed off while watching the rain and was sitting in the hallway of his lower base.

He was immediately awake though.

Shivers ran through him and he wondered how he had slept through the cold. He wasn't wet at all but the air certainly got into his bones.

Grian stood up and the misty like world provoked his scences.

It smelled of wet grass. Wet everything.

It was still sprinkling a bit.

Grian looked out to the cloud covered sky. It was sure to rain even harder sooner or later.

Then he seemed to finaly take in NPC Grians message.

Find out something? What? And I don't even have a slight idea where Xisuma is! How am I supposed to find him? C'mon Mc. G, you have to give me more information than that.

But Grian wasn't actually dreading doing it. In fact, he-

He is at Etho's base. Which reminds me- don't kill Etho. Just everyone else.

Oh, yeah! Everyone else that's there! Because that isn't bad or anything. I only have to kill everyone else in sight.

Grian thought at Mc. G. He did notice the fact that NPC Grian didn't answer the "Figuring out what?" question though.

Just do it. And hurry.

Grian hated this- hated having to do what he asked.

But he would have to do what NPC Grian said. Some day Mc. G would be sorry though.

So with a flinch Grian took out his sword. He had no intention of lighting Etho's base on fire although he knew he might end up doing just that through any emotion Mc. G might give him.

And Grian flew off.


Hello! Story writer here! Bit of a shorter chapter. Thanks for reading so much!! This part has 1117 words.


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