Chapter 23

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     Grian spawned on the respawn island.

His head felt dizzy and when he looked around everything was a tad blurry. He shook his head, attempting to get back to normal.

It seemed to work. Everything spun slower until it didn't at all and the fog that was in his head went away.

He looked around then down. Xisumas contraption that was supposed to take you down under the ground so you could get temporary armour wasn't working. Maybe there was a leak and water got to the redstone somehow.

He took a step then toppled down. His legs felt weak. This is what it felt like everytime you joined a server.

Grian got on his knees and pushed himself up with his hands. He dusted his grey pants off and looked across the lake.

The mushroom island laid there. Grian would either have to swim or boat there.

Then he remembered that he had wings. It was weird forgetting about them, he always knew they were there and never forgot before.

Grian stretched them out. He knew how to fly by heart. This wouldn't be hard.

He jumped up and gave his red wings a flap. They carried him over the water. Grian flew upwards.

He was about to land when he spotted the hermits. They were all grouped up together.

"Oh yeah!" Grian muttered to himself.

Time passed differently between servers. He had no idea what date it was. But the shopping district looked the exact same. Grian decided it wouldn't have been long.

The group of different colored hermits were all in front of Mount. Scarmor. They were all facing the same way with their heads tilted downward.

Grian quietly landed by xBcrafted and Bdubs redstone shop. Then a pang of grief went over him. It was just xB's redstone shop now.

He was to the side of it, out of view for the hermits. He listened and caught voices in the air.

"-so let's not remember him how we last saw him. Remember Grian as the fun-loving prankster of a hermit we all know and love. As the type of hermit who would always bring you up on a cloudy day. The guy who could never get knocked down."

It was Xisumas voice. Grians eyes widened. They were at his funeral.

Grian peeked around the shop. Three headstones were in front of the hermits. Grian couldn't read them from here but he already knew what they said.

False, Bdubs, and himself. Grian.

A moment of silence passed. Grian took in a large breath. He took a step back. He was out of sight again.

Grians back hit the brick wall. He closed his eyes. Now or never.

Grian walked out from behind the building. His eyes stayed on the ground and he padded towards the group. He took a hesitant breath before saying, "I'm not dead."

A collective gasp rang out. Grian looked up just above everyone's heads so he wouldn't have to make eye contact.

Every hermit was there. Or at least Grian thought before he started looking for Etho. The ninga was no where to be seen.

"Grian? How are you alive?"

Grian looked over the crowd and met Xisumas eyes. He had asked the question.

His jaw tightened. "I- I defeated him." He said.

Xisuma looked confused. "Do you mean NPC Grian?" He asked.

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