Chapter 22

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     Grian woke up, his eyes opening to a world of pitch darkness.

He stumbled up, hitting his leg on something hard. He stood still. A small light was coming from very far away.

He waited for his eyes to adjust. He was in a cave. The small light was coming from a torch that was at the end of a long hallway. The cave just ended after that.

Grian looked around, confused. His leg had hit one of the cave walls. Where was he? Why was he here? Then what had happened moments before came back to him in a rush. Oh yeah.

Then something appeared at the end of the cave next to where the torch was.

It had blonde hair, black wings, and pitch black eyes. It was NPC Grian.

Grian waited for him to arrive. The footsteps echoed around the cave walls. After what seemed like an eternity NPC Grian was standing in front of him.

His long creepy smile that he wore before wasn't there. Grian waited for him to talk and soon enough he did.

You made my job easier than I thought it would be.

He said. Grian looked down. "Yeah? I still don't know what you were trying to do exactly."

NPC Grian smiled. But it wasnt reaching his ears. It was normal sized.

Well, I guess I can explain everything now that you're dead.

Grian flinched. Dead. He remembered plunging himself into a lava pool.

"Well, go on.." he said.

First of all you might want to know why I chose Etho. I chose him because he helped make me.

Grian blinked up. "He-he what?"

He was one of my creators. He made sure that I couldn't fight you. That was his job in making me.

Before hermitcraft, before evo, before almost anything you and him knew eachother.

Grian had no idea what 'evo' was. But.. it sounded familiar. Very familiar.

You, him, and a few other people ran an experiment. All of you would try to program someone who had feelings, Hope's, fears, and life to be just like you.

He would do anything you asked and you could treat him in any way. He would have no way of fighting back because of the programming Etho put on him.

Grian gasped. He had.. he had messed with someone's DNA?

That's a reason I went for Etho. But you, oh-h you, were not a nice person.

You treated me like shit. I would have to work all day, everyday, and you would take out all of your anger on me.

Anytime I was bad you would shut me in a closet. For months on end. My respawn point was in there so if I died from sickness, hunger, thirst, wounds, anything you can imagine I would just respawn back in the closet.

You would kill anyone I knew and liked right in front of me.

And as you can imagine I got mad. Very mad. When you left that server to go to evo I got free.

I learned how to hack.

Grian had heard of hacking before. It was when someone edited the ways of minecraft to their own bidding. Very illegal.

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