Chapter 2

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     Grian was sitting in front of a campfire with all the hermits surrounding him. They all were either also sitting on logs that surrounded the fire or standing up and talking. A wooden table held food and drinks on it and the smell of s'mores made Grians mouth water.

Every friday night the hermits gathered in the woods. The hermits had called the woods 'Campfure woods.' It was originally supposed to be 'Campfire woods' but the hermit who had put the sign up accidentally made an error and the hermits actually like Campfure woods better than Campfire woods.

Mumbo was sitting next to him, chatting to Grian. They were both on a log. The sun was down and hermits constantly had to put bug spray on.

"My Odea store actually isnt doing as well as I hoped! I mean, half the hermits havent even gone inside! I cant really blame them though, can I? I havent gone in some of the other stores either." Mumbo said.

"Yeah, my barge is really making progress! I havent added anything on the top floor though." Grian had recently updated the barge; now it had two stories to it.

Mumbo chatted on and Grian felt a twinge of annoyance. Ever since Mumbo had helped break into the resistance HQ and joined the HEP, Grian had been frustrated at his friend. He didnt want to be, but how could he not? 

"-have you?" Mumbo looked at Grian questionably, and Grian looked blankly back. He had zoned out.

"Wait, can you repeat that?" Grian asked.

Ever since the voice had spoken to him Grian found himself giving into his deeper thoughts more easily. He was freaked out at the voice of course, but-

"-have you?" Mumbo finished again and gave Grian the same look which was expecting an answer.

"Wait what?" Grian had zoned out again!

Mumbo looked at him. "Are you deaf or something dude?" He gave a laugh. "I said-"

"Hermits! Please turn your attention here!" Xiuma announced, and gradually everyone turned towards the bee suited man. The air became quiet and the only sound was the crickets and the crackling fire.

"Hello hermits! Welcome to week 37! Well I'm pretty sure its 37. Anyways, the shopping district had had a chaotic week!" The hermits muttered agreement and X went on.

"With the war that is currently going on the district is running out of space. But that isnt the only news. I actually have something... concerning to report."

The hermits casted side glances at eachother.

"Well the other day I came across a book in my base. I dont want to read it all in front of you because it was really long so I'll summarize it up. Something is coming. It said that it was here for revenge. I dont know exactly what it is though. My mind first flashed to Evil Xisuma of course,"

Grian had heard of Evil Xisuma before in conversation. He didnt know exactly what he had done though. He just knew that he was evil and Xisumas brother.

"but I know it wasnt him because I.. well.. killed him." Grian thought he heard Xisumas voice crack on killed. "So then I thought about Helsknight." X pointed a glance at wels. "But again I know it wasnt him. The book specifically said it wasnt Helsknight. Just.. beware of it alright? It might try to manipulate one of you."

Silence echoed around the fire until doc spoke up.

"Are you sure it wasnt just a hermit playing a prank?"

X looked at Doc before saying "I thought of that and it very well might be. If it is whoever's is doing it please speak up. I won't be angry but this is a serious matter."

Again silence came around them. The loud pops of the fire flew into the night. The hermits were looking at eachother.

"Well, I am just warning you guys. If any of you come across anything sus report to me please."

Grian bit his lip. The voice he had heard had to be connected surely? It would have to. It was way too much of a coincidence. "Did it make any threats?" Grian found himself saying.

X looked at Grian before breaking the gaze. "It only said what I told."

Grian wanted to ask if he could read the book himself but he was a bit afraid. What if he found something he wouldn't like?

"I didnt mean to ruin the night guys but this was something I needed everyone to be aware of. My talking time is over."

The hermits started to turn back to eachother and talking filled the air once again.

"Dude I dont know what to say about that!" Mumbo said before Iskall walked towards them. "Hallo guys!"

Grian looked at him, forcing a smile. "Hey!"

Mumbo greeted the man as well and they started to chat to eachother. "Are you guys worried?" Iskall asked.

"I mean, yeah!" Mumbo said. "I hope that it dosent try to take over the server or anything... hopefully it isnt as bad as Ex was."

Grian felt his gaze trail downward as the swedish man and the british man continued talking.

"I hope whatever it is it dosent try to interfere with the war! Imagine how bad it would be if one of the sides got it on their side!" Grian could hear the actual worry that was in Mumbos voice though. He knew that that worry wasn't there because the resistance might get it on their side. He was worried for his friends. But still..

Again Grian was a bit annoyed at the mustached guy. Did he really have to bring up the war? Of course he did.

No, the war was a joke. Mumbo didnt mean any harm. It was all Grian thought about what the voice had said. Was it really fun though?

"Grian dude you alright? Looking a little down there." Grians eyes looked up to meet Mumbos. "Oh, yeah! Just a bit worried is all. I.. dont want it interfering... either.."

Grian had to look away so Mumbo didnt see the bit of anger in Grians eyes. Why was Grian angry? He shouldn't be. No, Grian wasnt angry. But the voice didnt agree and it talked again, startling Grian.

You are angry though. Dont let your friend controll your feelings. He chose his side and his side isnt yours. You have a right to be angry. Your friends keep betraying you.

Grian blinked. They weren't betraying. It was all just for fun. Every hermit knew that was technically the rule. Anything that happens is for fun. They couldnt be betraying, right?

Grian looked up at Mumbo. The voice had said 'friend' with a tone. Mumbo was still his friend! Even though he had chosen another side.. majorly helped in finding the HQ... and practically backstabbed Grian.... but that was all for fun.

But getting killed over and over by a ravenger wasnt nessasarly fun.

"Are you okay Grian? You're starting to scare me!" Mumbos voice broke into Grians thoughts. "O-oh y-yeah!" Grian stuttered. He realized a few hermits had turned to look at the scene they had made.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Grian looked at Mumbo and Iskall, smiling. Iskall hadn't aggreed to Grian when he asked him to join the mycelium resistance. But that was just because Iskall had been really busy...

Grian shook his head. He wanted to leave but if he did he knew that would be super sus. Instead Grian made his way through the rest of the night.


Hello again! Story writer here! Thank you for reading this so far, I hope you're enjoying it! Nothing much to say. Thanks! This part has 1295 words.


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