Chapter 3

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     The resistance members all stood in front of Grian. They were gathered behind the little clock on the Town hall, inside a small hidden room.

He had just explained what he had overheard the day before with Scar and Cub.

"Alright, we need to think of a way to strike back..." Etho muttered slowly.

"Yeah- we cant let them win this war! I've spent way too much time on it to loose." Impulse replied, taking his arm and scratching behind his neck.

It was true. Impulse had done more than probably all the other members besides Grian.

"I know what your saying." Grian snuffed. He opened his mouth again, about to say something else, before closing it. No, if they disagreed with him it would get him embarrassed. He decided to take on the question with someone one-on-one later.

Grian looked around, his red wings shifting.

"Any ideas?" He asked.

"Well I might have one, but it's really not a finished idea. I'll get it to you guys when I'm sure if that's ever, but for now I'll keep it to myself." Xb said.

"Well, I guess this meeting is over. I just gathered us here to see of anyone had any ideas and to explain what I heard. For now let this be the place where we hold meetings guys. I guess were all dismissed." Grian directed.

The resistance members started to get prepared to leave.

"Wait, Impulse! I want to ask you something." Grian said, picking Impulse at random.

Impulse nodded and they waited until the other members had gone out of the small room.

"Okay so you know how this is all just fun and games right?"

Impulse looked at Grian before replying with "Yeah dude."

"Well, dont judge me yet, but I think I'm starting to take it seriously. Like I'm starting to get mad and frustrated."

Impulse seemed relieved. "Yeah, same. When the HEP changed my mycelium farm to grass I really wanted to get pay back. It takes a really long time to change it all and they just... I dont know but I'm not in the mycelium resistance just for lol's anymore."

Grian let out a breath. Maybe if Impulse was mad them two weren't the only angry ones on the resistance. Maybe Grian could go and get some pay back without people questioning him...

Suddenly Etho came out from the opening on the clock. "I feel the same way! People should know by now not to try anything on me."

Both Impulse and Grian jumped.

"Whoa dude! You scared the tea out of me!" Grian said and Impulse and Etho laughed at his words.

"Alright guys I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who's getting actually into this war. See you guys, make sure to fix the clock!" Grian waved his hand and walked over to the clock.

He jumped up and his wings took him into the air. Two people saying "Bye!" sounded behind him as he flew away.

Maybe Impulse wasn't getting mad the way Grian was though.. probably not. He was just a bit annoyed at times.


     Grian was at his base, looking through the piles of shulkerboxes in front of him. They were the shulkers for the barge mystery box treasure hunt. Dang that was a long name.

He kept flipping through them making sure that they were all good enough.

He still hasn't put them into the barge concluding that he hasnt mapped out where each box would be hidden. The teams would make the game intresting.

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