Chapter 9

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Grian looked up at Mumbo, trying to look confused. "What?" He asked. Mumbo had asked him why he said 'I will pay' in his frantic talk to False.

Mumbo shook his head. "Grian, I know you said it. I know you did. Because after it's all I could think about and I wouldn't have just thought about it randomly out of nowhere."

Grian blinked. "Wait- did you misunderstand me or something? I just remember frantically trying to apologize because of what I did." He tried to play it off. Maybe Mumbo would doubt what he thought if Grian played at it enough.

Then Grian thought about it. Oh! I should have said that I literally meant pay her, like actual diamonds pay! I'm so stupid! He'll never believe that now.

Mumbo looked at Grian. But that was absolute certainty in his eyes. There was no getting out of this one.

Mumbo shook his head. Grian could tell his friend was getting a bit emotional and worried by the way he was biting his lip.

"Grian... I'm sorry, but can you take off your bandages? I... just want to make sure if something." Mumbo looked away. Grian froze. He couldnt. He wouldn't.

He did find it odd that Mumbo had immediately jumped to that conclusion. Maybe he hadn't played off 'struck by a pickax' as well as he thought he had.

That was besides the point. Grian looked down at his bandages. If he did he would be revealing so much more. It felt like this was a deeper secret than NPC Grian.

"No." Hs answered. Even if Mumbo would get so much more sus for him saying no Mumbo would never be 100% sure, even if it was at 99%.

Mumbo looked at him. "Yes, Grian. If you're doing what I think you are you need to get help.."

Grian met Mumbos eye. Maybe he could knock down the 99% sure in him even more. "No Mumbo, I cant. But not for the reasons you are thinking. I would never do that. But it itself is a big secret even though it's not that secret." Lies filled Grians mouth. Suddenly Mumbo looked much less sure.

Mission accomplished.

"Grian, I need to be sure." Something in Mumbos voice told him that the mustached fellow wasnt going to give up. Not unless... not unless Grian made him.

"Mumbo, I said my reasoning. I cant. But not for what you are thinking."

Mumbo broke their eye contact. "Grian even if, couldnt you tell me the actual reasoning?"

There was a time when Grian would have. Would have spilled everything to his best friend. But these were sadly not the times they used to be.

"Get out." Grians voice was cold. They still weren't meeting eachother eyes.

"Wait, what?" Mumbo said with a small voice crack.

"I said to get out." His voice was threatening.

Mumbo took a step back, shaking his head. "G-Grian- think about what you are saying- is it coming back?"

But Grian didnt feel its presence. This was merely just an urgency that Grian had. And he wanted Mumbo to get. Out.

"Mumbo, leave before I make you." Now his voice was not just threatening but menacing.

Mumbo took yet another step back. Then another. And Grian felt his finger twitch, as if it wanted to be grabbing a sword.

And Mumbo must have seen that in his gaze because the next second he was gone. The next second Grian was alone again. The next second Grian felt regret.

Grian looked up where Mumbo had gone. He wanted to call him back. Say he was sorry.

But that was impossible now.


The next day passed. Then the next. And the next. Everything was uneventful.

Mumbo never came back. Neither did Iskall.

But to Grians suprize Etho soon came to find him.

Grian was laying on the grass, looking up. He was directly in front on his mantion and the jungle was right next to him.

He suddenly heard a rocket in the distance. Picking up his body, he stood and glanced around. He practically had a heart attack when someone said, "Hi Grian." From behind him.

Grian jumped up, swinging around. His eyes widened to meet Ethos.

"Oh.. Hi Etho." Grian greeted back, confused.

Etho was a good friend of course but they had never been super super close.

Etho let out a sigh. He looked at Grian for a second (his eyes gripping on Grains hand) before he met his eyes.

"Alright, I wanted to ask you why you have been out."

Grian looked down. "Well if I'm not face-to-face with anyone I cant hurt them."

Etho looked down as well. They shared a moment somehow. Grian had no idea how they were relating right then but they were.

"Grian... I think that I'm becoming a victim to whatever it is that controlled you."

Grian looked at Etho. "I- w-why do you think that?"

Etho let out a breath. "Well." He looked up, his gaze meeting Grians.

"I am starting to hear something on the back of my mind. Its recommending things. The stuff feels dark but.. like it's a good idea." Grian felt just a tiny bit dizzy.

"And I want to do those things." He broke Grians gaze again. But Grian kept looking at his eyes. There was something there. A glint. One that Grian had very similarly had before.

"I didnt want to tell anyone. And I well, got, some information from Xisuma about you-"

Grian guess by 'got' he meant overheard.

"And it said that you have been hearing something kinda the same. So, do you think whatever is in your thoughts is in the same as mine?"

Grian nodded. "Yeah, I do... Dont make any deals with it. No. Matter. What. No matter how simple your side is. Trust me."

Grian didnt know what he did when he made the deal but he was sure it wasnt good. A step in the correct direction for NPC Grian to get revenge.

Etho nodded. Then he muttered, "Did you?"

"Yeah, I did. It dosent matter for me anyways. But... it's different for you."

Etho didnt ask why thankfully. They were both silent for few minutes. "..Do you think any other hermit has heard the voice?" Grian asked.

He didnt expect Etho to have the answer and as expected he didnt. "I dont know.. Grian, I dont think I am going to be able to say no to what the voice is saying. It's nothing about a deal; I'm talking about the suggestions. They just feel so..." he trailed off.

Grian knew what he meant.

Grian thought about the state Etho was in and how Grian had been in that before. "I... I can help you with whatever you want to do." even though Grian didnt like 'the voice' he felt an energy that he didnt realize was there before.

It was meant to burn.

Meant to run free.

Meant to kill.

But. But... the but if the situation was always there. He couldn't set that fire to hermitcraft. Not yet. Not ever.

But it sure did want to get free.


Hello! Story writer here! Thank you all so much for reading this! I'm really excited about this- I cant wait! This part has 1226 words.


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