Chapter 20

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     Grian had his sword out. He was still in the small cave he and Etho had found.

He had read the sign just a few moments before.

It said:


I'm sorry Grian but I cant do this anymore.


Ps. You snore lol


Grian would have laughed at the joke if the upper part of that message wasn't there.

His thoughts whirled. Etho had left. He had decided to let Grian go on alone. He didn't care about him. No one did.

His grip on the sword became tighter. He smiled. Oh, Etho had made a mistake! Grian walked out of the small cave. Vines drifted in his shoulders until he walked far enough out that they couldn't reach him anymore and fell.

The sun was still coming up, but it was far enough for it not to be called sun rise. The air was warm and no clouds were held in the sky. No rain.

But Grian wasn't going to play with fire this time. Well, unless it came to that.

He didn't grab anything to prepare for what laid ahead. He just shot off into the sky and started to go towards the shopping district. Air whipped against his face.

He knew that Etho might not even be in Mount. Scarmor, but he decided to look anyways. The HEP couldn't have made a new holding area that fast, right?

Grian could already imagine blood staining the floor and walls. He wasn't going to go for Etho first. He was going to make him watch as he killed some HEP members. Etho would wish he hadn't ever crossed him..

And the deaths would not be fast. Grian would make them suffer.

Ideas kept brewing through his mind as he flew on.


Grian eventually made it to the mountain. He landed in front of it. He had to admit, Scar had done a good job while making it.

The rock climbed upward and grass laid on top of it. Scars stone-carved head, that had a hole in it, had looked good before someone decided to ruin the image. Trees and bushes were at the bottom sides of it. An opening at the center of the mountain allowed hermits to go inside the hollowed out space.

The sun was fully up now. It was probably between 12:00-1:00 pm.

Grian started to walk towards the large mound of rock.

His sword was at his side and he kept his ears perked just in case someone came.

He entered. A whiff of air conditioning hit him and he made his was to the jail section. Shelves lined the walls.

He could see it in his view now, but Xisuma suddenly walked out from inside the jail area.

Xisuma stopped. "G-grian! Geez, GRIANS HERE!"

Grian smiled. His warning would bring other hermits.

Grian and Xisuma looked at eachother. Grian stayed silent, and Xisuma brought his sword out.

It took a few minutes for several people to show up.

False, Cub, Bdubs, Scar, and Doc- wait, Doc? Had he heard Xisuma from outside the mountain?

Grian looked at all of them. "Hello!" He greeted. "I'm just here to do a quick something."

Xisuma looked a tad confused. Probably because Grian had waited for others to show up before attacking.

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