Chapter 12

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     Grian woke up to the smell of bacon. He got up and stretched his arms and wings out wide before walking out of his bedroom and to the place the smell was coming from which was in the middle of the villager trading center.

"Hey Grian! I decided to go ahead and make bacon because who dosent love bacon?" Impulse greeted.

Grian let out a laugh.

Impulse was standing by a table that had a plate of bacon at the center of it. He was chewing on a peice himself.

Grian took two pieces and put them on top of eachother then ate it like he was eating one peice.

"Yeah! Bacon is great!" Is what Grian would have said but due to the fact his mouth was full of it it sounded like "Yem! Bacn if grat!"

Impulse laughed before taking another peice and shoving it into his mouth.

"Grian, what happened to your arm? I kept trying to remember to ask yesterday but everytime I was about to bring it up something new came and made me forget about it!" Impulse said.

Grian froze as if in the hope something would come and make Impulse forget about it.

He finally gave up in a few seconds of silence. "Oh! My arm! Sorry, I just had a brain fart!" Grian lied, followed by a bit of laughter.

"I was mining outside and I hit my arm with a pickax. I didn't want to bother anyone so I just wraped it up myself." He lied again.

Impulse cringed. "Oh! Ouch! I've done that before actually, but it was with a dull wooden pickax so it didnt do anything much. Left a huge bruise though!"

Grian nodded. "Yeah, mine was with a freshly mended diamond pickax with all the enchanting it needs so it left a dent!"

Impulse seemed to be imagining the pain and he let off another shudder. Grian agreed that it would have hurt a lot. But that wasnt what actually happened.

"Can I see?" Impulse asked.

Grian shook his head. "No, sorry! I re-wraped it last night after you fell asleep and I dont want to un-wrap it again."

Impulse nodded. "Yeah, you might want  someone to check it out though! I wouldn't want it getting staff or anything like that."

Staff was a bad infection from uncleaned wounds. But Grian washed It again last night after he cut- it was definitely clean.

Grian went ahead and agreed with Impulse anyway.

Later in the day they went over and did some of Impulses stuff.

Grian watched as he messed with his farms and made the link from his portal to the nether hub.

Normally tasks like that would be boring but Grian and Impulse were messing around the entire time so in the end it had been fun.

Right then both of them were at Impulses base.

Grian noticed that every time someone said hi in the chat or something like that Impulse would reply with his own greeting. A bit weird- usually you wouldnt reply every single time.

In fact Grians watched buzzed at that moment. He tapped the screen.

Welsnight: o/

xBCrafted: Hi

ImpulseSV: Hey

GoodTimesWithScar: hi

Grian turned the watch off. He looked up at Impulse. Scar had replied. It reminded Grian of what he had done.

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