Chapter 11

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     Grian walked into Xisumas base, nervs chilling down his spine.

Morning birds singing echoed through the forest. The sun was still coming up.

X had insisted they would get this over with early in the day. Now that it was and Grians eyes were weighed down from tiredness he didnt know why he had agreed.

Xisuma was sitting at a table in the middle of his largest pillar. Etho, Impulse, and xB were sitting there as well.

All the gathered hermits greeted him.

"Hello Grian, good morning." Xisuma said.

"Hello Xusuma!" He said back.

"Now that you're here, take a seat." Xisuma said, pulling out a chair next to him from the small table.

Grian sat down in it, and his leg tapped.

"Alright, Impulse and xB already know the details here," both Impulse and xB nodded, "but you two dont." X said.

Grian looked at Impulse and xB. He quickly noticed both were part of the resistance.

"I've already checked them in every way possible. They arent... well, both if you know what I mean. I chose them because both are in the resistance," Grian was proud of his earlier thought "and as far as I know you dont get in a lot of fights with eachother. But here is the rundown- Impulse and xB are going to be with one of you each. They are going to warn everyone if something happens and are there to protect any hermit that might fall.. victim."

"I know that you can put them in some situations that might be violent. Impulse and xB already know the warnings. But if you do something in any way where they cant reach their watch we have more safety precautions than you can imagine. I'm not going to say them just in case."

"And please dont blame yourselves. I get it. I really do. But just because it isnt your fault dosent mean it wont happen. We are going to do something bigger later on but for right now this is all we got."

It was a bit silent before Grian asked, "So will they be with us everywhere?"

Xisuma nodded before realizing something and adding, "Not both of them. Impulse is going to stick with you Grian and xB with Etho."

"Wait, so xB goes with me everywhere?" Etho asked.

Xisuma laughed. "Well not if you jump into a lava pit or something like that."

Grian was kinda glad he got paired with Impulse- they saw eachother often enough.

"This is going to be very interesting! I get to see Grian in his natural habitat without looking like a creep!" Impulse said.

Grian smiled. Sometimes he just jumped and flew around his base. He wondered if he would be able to do that with Impulse around.

"Well, I guess its settled then! I'm going to be hopping around the server for awhile and checking every hermit out to make sure they arent listening to the thing." Xisuma stated as he started to stand up.

Grian took a slow breath. It would be hard to mention NPC Grian as 'the thing' always. Xisuma wasnt ever embarrased that an evil person came to hermitcraft a few seasons earlier was related to him- never mind having his name very similar as Ex.

"Wait." Grian said, meeting Xisumas gaze. "I- it has a name." He muttered.

Xisuma looked at him for a second before asking, "What is it?"

"Its- Its called NPC Grian."

X blinked before nodding and turning away. He seemed in thought as he flew out of his base.

Grian looked back at Impulse, Etho, and xB.

They all looked suprized.


Grian was at his base, chilling while watching TV with Impulse.

Earlier Impulse had watched Grian build the whole of the new mycelium resistance HQ; they had also settled a deal where if Impulse gave Grian the land from his guardian shop he would be partners with Grian in the barge.

Now they were both tired out and sitting on bingbags with food and drinks.

"So is this just going to be how these days will go?" Impulse asked before tossing a popcorn in his mouth.

"Yeah I guess. We might figure out a better way to get work done later on but for right now let's just do whatever." Grian replied.

"How do you think Etho and xB are getting along?" Impulse looked over at Grian before back at the TV.

"I have no idea! I mean I dont think Etho would try to prank xB on the first day but I honestly wouldn't be suprized."

They both sat in silence for a bit while their attention was absorbed by the TV.

A quite violent image showed on the screen and it reminded Grian of his earlier quarles with Doc.

He thought about the way Etho had looked and how Grian had given the command to kill.

He might have even smiled if X hadn't shown up.

Impulse and Grian had sent a sign for Doc to join the resistance earlier. Grian wouldn't be suprized if he did or didn't join. Doc probably felt either if these two ways:

Mad at Grian and Etho for, well, killing him and he wouldn't join or he felt bad that he had taken anger out on Etho and would join out of guilt.

Grian looked down at his arm. The bandages were a bit worn out by now. Grian suspected the wounds had healed a bit...

Grian didn't deserve to have someone else feel guilt for his mistake.

And even if Doc didn't join that would prove that he blamed Grian.

Either way Grian should cu-

He looked over at Impulse. He had forgotten the guy was there.

Impulse wouldn't let him out of his sight. Grian didn't find that annoying or anything- it was just the fact Grian kinda did need to get out of sight if he were to do what he was thinking.

He looked back over at the TV. He would have to wait until Impulse fell asleep.

And soon enough he did.

Grian stood up in the dark room. The TV and lights were now all off.

He walked out of the bedroom and into the larger space. Everything was dark.

Grian came over to the hallway, about to walk through it, when a small shimmer caught his eye from below.

He looked down to see a trip wire. If he opened the door an alarm would surely go off. Now that he noticed it, lines seemed to be at least every 2 feet. He couldnt fly out either.

The winged hermit re-thought about Xisumas words. "-we have more safety precautions than you can imagine."

Grian wondered how much there actually was.

He took in a breath. He would have to cut himself where he was just in case.

So Grian sat and took his sword out. He did the same as what he did that few nights before.

And when he was done he made sure to leave no evidence of what he had done.

Grian came back into his bedroom with new bandages as well as new pain.

Impulse had fallen asleep in his bingbag and Grian sat down in his own as well, forcing it into a comfortable sleeping spot.

And he closed his eyes, falling into slow a dreamless sleep.


Hello! Story writer here! How are you? No I'm kidding I cant hear you right now. But you can answer in the comments! If you wanna. Thanks for reading!! This part has 1260 words.


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