Chapter 18

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     Grian and Etho were long gone from the shopping district. They had found a small place in the jungle.

It was a dip in the ground that slowly became a shallow cave. It was very hidden and a small place to camp out. Patches of bamboo grew around it and jungle trees surrounded them.

It was far from every hermit-made thing.

Right then Grian was sitting far up above the ground in a tree. His back was against the trunk and his legs splayed out on a thick branch. His arms were in his lap.

The smaller branches swayed ever so slightly and the sounds of parrots were heard from every direction.

Grian had been thinking of a way to cause the most destruction. Because destruction caused drama and drama was actually really fun.

He knew that fire and bloodshed were a quick way to that. But then again, what if he figured out how to do what he did to Scar?

Grian hadn't wanted to figure out how to do that before, but now he did. Yet he couldn't remember how for the life of him.

All he knew what to do was fire and pvp. Which was practically all he needed.

NPC Grian was almost always in his thoughts. Not speaking to him but just there to... Grian didn't actually know. It was almost as if Mc. G was mentally guarding something.

But Grian wouldn't worry about that right then.

Etho had been setting up some of his note blocks and playing tunes. It seemed to calm the hermit down a bit, and Grian genuinely liked the music.

Etho had been a bit down lately. Just talking less then usual and muttering when he did.

Grian didn't really know why. The other hermits had imprisoned him for something Etho couldn't fight. Shouldn't Etho be angry?

Grian suddenly heard a tune fill the air. He smiled. Etho was playing again.

He had to wait a moment before recognizing the song. It was Demons by Imagine Dragons.

Grian started to think about his earlier thoughts again. Then it came to him.

Grian checked his watch. It was Wednesday. In two days it would be Campfure night. Grian could light the whole scene on fire.


It would be a huge loss for the hermits and a pretty good payback. Grian jumped and glided down the trees to inform Etho of the plan.

He landed on the grassy leaf-littered ground. He quickly darted through the trees and over to Etho. "Etho!" He called.

It interrupted the song and Etho stopped playing to look over at him. "Yeah?"

Note blocks were stacked in front of Etho.

Grian smiled. "I have a plan."

He quickly explained everything.

Etho nodded. "Yeah, umm, it sounds good..!" He said.

Something about Grian had a dangerous edge. No one should disagree with him at this point.

"And while I'm talking you can go over and destroy the ender portal so hermits cant leave that quick. You can also kill some hermits if you want to." Grian shrugged as if he wasn't talking about killing people.

Etho nodded. "Yuppers. I'll do it." He smiled. But it was a shaded smile. A fake smile.

Etho wasn't listening to NPC Grian as Grian was. He was still trying to resist the things that he was saying. But it was hard when whatever Grian suggested sounded so right.

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