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A few weeks have passed by, Johnny and I have been doing great. He and the boys, however knocked Daniel down a hill. He went to school one day with his face bruised, and his smile gone.

I got on Johnny about it, telling him to lay off. So far, things have been good. Johnny and the boys haven't hurt Daniel. I'm hoping it stays like that.

Currently I'm sitting in math class with Johnny right next to me. We have most classes together. Tommy and Bobby are also in our math class.

"So Princess I've been thinking," Johnny started.

"That's never good," I joked, turning the pages in my math book.

"The Halloween dance is this weekend..will you come with me?" He asked, resting his hand on my own.

"Of course Johnny, do you have any idea for costumes?" I smiled.

"Yeah, me and the guys are gonna be skeletons," Johnny smirked.

"Hmm, I don't know what I'll be. Do you have any idea?" I asked.

"A Princess. Since you're a princess," Johnny teased, rubbing circles into my hands.

"I guess," I laughed. (Horrendous)

Johnny walked me to my last period class. We aren't in that class together. Daniel is in that class though.

Johnny always says some dumb thing about Daniel this time it was, "If he calls you that stupid nickname again let me know."

I rolled my eyes at Johnny, "You know that you have me now right? Daniel isn't a threat to you."

He just shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, he keeps his eye on you, it's obvious."

I shoved Johnny, "Get going I'll be fine!"

"Ok but no flirting with LaRusso!" Johnny called out as he walked away.

I giggled to myself as I watched Johnny run off, his blonde locks swaying with each step.

I'm greeted by a smiling Daniel when I walk into class, "Good afternoon Angel cake."

I smiled at him, "Hello Danny, did you get a date to the dance?"

"I was actually just going to ask you to be my date," He smiled brightly.

"I'm sorry but I'm going with my boyfriend," I smiled to myself as I thought of Johnny.

"Oh, well make sure to save me a dance!" Daniel replied, his sweet aura never faltering.

I sat down in my seat, "Will do."

Class ended early which gave me enough time to wait outside of Johnny's last class. I was excited since I got to ride with him today.

The bell rung, dismissing everyone. Johnny was out first, his eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Princess! What are you doing here?" He beamed, picking me up and spinning me around.

"My class got out early so I decided to wait for you," I laughed as he put me down.

"You're acting like an excited puppy, come to think of it you do kinda look like one," I teased.

"A puppy?" Johnny asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Don't overthink it, It's cute," I say while clinging to his waist koala style.

"What are you doing?" He mumbled, blushing furiously.

"Carry me," I demanded, nuzzling my head into his stomach.

He laughed at my demand, walking over to his motorcycle.

"Get on Princess," Johnny ordered, helping me down.

He helped me on, making sure to give me the helmet he bought last week. He got it just for times like this.

I clung to his waist as he started up his bike. The boys all hurried to their bikes next to us, making sure not to miss us.

Bobby put his arm on my shoulder, he whispered in my ear, "Turn around, that ass is looking at you."

I glanced behind me to see Daniel standing by himself awkwardly. I gave him a little wave before clinging back onto Johnny's waist.

Bobby gave Daniel a glare before mounting his bike. We all took off a few minutes after everyone was ready.

Slowly the guys found their way home, leaving me and Johnny left. I love being on his bike. It's such an amazing feeling.

We finally arrived at my house.

Johnny helped me off the bike as I gave him my helmet, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I turned to walk away but was quickly twirled around and pulled into a kiss.

His lips moved against mine, creating this warm feeling in my stomach.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow, ok Princess?" Johnny said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I nodded happily, "Of course, Johnny."

After a little bit of us just holding each other, I finally went into my apartment. Johnny didn't leave until he saw me go into my house.

I smiled to myself as I walked into my house.

"What're you so smiley about?" My mom asked.

I shook my head, "Nothing in particular."

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now