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"If you tell me what you said we can leave this classroom, and I'll reward you later," Johnny mumbled into my ear, making sure he doesn't touch any part of my body. 

"I'm not going to tell you shit," I whispered back, trailing my fingers down his chest.

"We can be here all day," Johnny growled.

"Johnny baby, I said you were being bossy, I was messing with you," I laughed.

Suddenly I felt Johnny's hand lace with mine and pull me close to his chest, "That's all you had to say sweetheart."

I gently tugged on his soft, blonde locks, "Let's get out of here."

I sense Johnny smirking, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

Johnny lead me out of the classroom and into the halls. People stared at us, some whistled, and others nudged Johnny playfully. Johnny was playing along till he saw how uncomfortable I was getting.

"Ay we didn't do nothing!" Johnny shouted at the people in the halls.

"Thanks love," I smiled, wrapping my arm around his torso.

"Anything for my Princess," Johnny smirked, kissing my cheek.

-At practice-

"You all are aware of the tournament this Saturday, I want to remind you all of one thing. There is no losers in this dojo!" Kreese yelled, stopping in front of Bobby.

"Do I make myself clear!?" He yelled out.

"Yes Sensei!" We all responded in unison.

"Alright, Bobby, lead," Kreese ordered, placing his hand on Bobby's shoulder.

Bobby nodded before stepping out of line to face everyone. He gave me a small smile before starting.

After we bowed Bobby yelled, "Fighting position!"

"Ya!" He yelled, punching into the air.

"Heya!" We all shouted back, following his actions.

Like every practice this lasted for a few minutes until Sensei decided it was enough. When he told Bobby to stop, Bobby looked my way, winked, and then went back to line.

I heard a low grumble from Johnny. I think he noticed our exchange.
Practice goes by quickly. It was mainly Kreese preparing us for the tournament since this is the last practice before.

When it was all over, Johnny headed towards Bobby instead of me. I already have a horrible feeling about this.

"Listen, I don't want you looking at my girl like that again, understood?" Johnny grumbled, digging his finger into Bobby's chest.

Bobby grabbed his hand and pushed it back to Johnny's chest, "Sure."

Johnny furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, "Sure?...do you understand?"

Bobby rolled his eyes before heading to the boy's locker room to change. Johnny was fuming from this. He stormed over to me and kissed me right there.

"That asshole," He muttered.

"Calm down love, I'm sure he doesn't mean no harm," I reassured.

"Don't stand up for him, did you see how he looked at you!?" Johnny boomed.

I grabbed his hand and rubbed circles into it, "I did. And I'm not. I just think you're overthinking it, besides you know I love you and you only."

Johnny finally calmed down from this, "I love you too, I just don't like him flirting with you, that's all."

"I know, but he's not going to take me from you," I assured.

"Yeah I know," Johnny muttered, patting my head.

I blushed from the new type of affection. He's never done this before. I really like it.

"Can you keep doing that?" I asked shyly.

"Keep doing what?" Johnny asked confused.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on top of my head, "That."

Johnny smiled, "Of course princess."


"Yes princess?" He responded, smiling softly.

"When did you start falling for me?" I asked as we walked out of the dojo together.

"Hmm, remember our first kiss in the car? You told me that you wanted me to...well be me, Johnny. You told me that I didn't have to change for you. I still remember the thoughts that went in my head that day." Johnny answered, smiling warmly at the thought.

-Johnny's Pov-
"Johnny, you don't need to be a gentlemen, don't change yourself just because you think that's what I want."

My heart skipped a beat. She likes me for who I am?

Her e/c eyes stared deep into mine, "Ok princess, but don't you take it back once I start talking again."

I melted into her hand when she started to rub circles into my cheek. God it's the most comforting thing I have ever felt.

She whispered, "I won't, you be Johnny, not Daniel."

There's a chance that I've fallen quite hard for her. Her touch is so soft and loving, I can't help but drown in it. Her voice is so sweet and clam, just like a pretty river during the winter.  

I truly think I've started to fall for this girl.

-Back to now-
-Y/n Pov-

"What were you thinking then?" I asked, looking up at Johnny's dreamy blue eyes.

"I've never felt more comforted. I told myself, I truly think I've started to fall for this girl. And to this day you're the only person I've ever felt this way about," Johnny answered, stopping in his tracks in front of a pretty antique shop we visited once.

"I remember this place! We went here when we used to visit those pretty little shops, this is where you got me my crown," I smiled, remembering the time like it was yesterday.

"Yeah, this place specifically is really special. My mom and I used to walk by here when I was young. She told me that one day I'll find someone special to take to this shop," Johnny says with a chuckle, "So when you and I got together, I had to take you."

Johnny grabbed a hold of my hand that had the ring on it. I rarely take it off.

"This place is wear I found your promise ring. It's also the place I hope to find your wedding ring when we're older," He whispered into my ear.

"Johnny, I want to marry you one day. I love you so much. Your exterior was tough and cold. But when I dug deeper I found a soft, loving, safe heart and now I only see you as that," I confessed, pulling Johnny into an embrace.

"I love you too Princess. One day, I'll have a wedding ring ready for you. We'll be standing right in front of this shop, and I'll get on one knee, and ask you the question."

I smiled, adding on, "And I'll cry and say yes over and over again."

Johnny grabbed my hand before continuing our walk to his car, "I can't wait for that day."

"Me neither."

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now