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I watched her still face against my chest. She looks like the ocean when it's completely still, not a single wave of life to be seen. It's mesmerizing.

I am engulfed in every little thing that involves Y/n. Her soft locks of hair, beautiful deep eyes, perfect smile. The way she playfully rolls her eyes when I say something stupid.

Her voice when it whispers in my ear. The touch of her skin, how gentle she is. When she laughs if feels as if my heart skyrocketed into the sun. I never felt such passion for someone.

My love for her is unexplainable. It's to the point where it's crazy. I can't give out reasons on why. It's endless. All I need is to see her smile, to hear her voice, to know she's ok and happy.

All I want is her to be happy. Even if that means it's not with me. It'd hurt worse than hell if I had to watch her spend her life with someone else. So I cherish her, and make her feel loved.

I couldn't help my smile. One of my smiles that set a sparkle in Y/n's eyes. Ever since the first time I genuinely smiled at her, I noticed how much she loved it. So I decided to smile like that more.

When she noticed that my heart beat sped a bit faster every time she cupped my face, she started doing it more. To share this type of connection is beyond cloud nine.

I just can't help but love her.

My eyes opened slowly, my vision focusing on Johnny's pretty blue eyes. I smiled at him as I remembered last nights events. We passed out after wrapping all of those Christmas presents.

"Good morning love," I greeted, hugging his chest tightly.

"Good morning Princess," Johnny greeted back, playing with my bed hair.

"How much time do we have before school?" I asked, stretching my stiff muscles.

"Around three hours," Johnny replied, sitting up.

I sat up along with him, now resting in his lap facing him, "So we have time?"

"Yes baby we have time," Johnny confirmed, his voice soft and sweet.

"You still have him!" Johnny cheered loudly. I jumped before turning to where his gaze was. There sat the dinosaur he got me on our first date.

"Of course! In fact I sleep with him. I decided to move him over there to make room for you though," I explained, smiling at the cute stuffed animal.

"What about the figurine Dino?" Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I giggled before pulling him out of my pajama pants pocket, "I keep him with me at all times."

Johnny got excited from this information, basically jumping for joy like a little kid, "You kept him!!"

I giggled at this rare side of Johnny. This is one of the first times I've seen him like this. It's definitely adorable.

"You are so cute," I gushed, cupping his face. It's one of his favorite things that I do. He didn't even need to tell me that, I just new from the way he melted into my hand.

Johnny pulled me into a sudden kiss. It was one of the softest, most gentle kisses I have ever experienced.

"I love you Princess," Johnny sings. I blush lightly as he pats my head.

"I love you too Johnny, more than anything," I sing back, kissing his cheek.

"Can we cuddle for a little longer?" I ask. Johnny nods before pulling me back into his arms.

"Hey y/n!" I hear Daniel call. I give him a small wave as I walk over to him.

"Sup Danny!" I call back. Daniel gave me a friendly smile before handing me a gift.

"Since Christmas is coming up, I decided to get you a gift. You were one of my first friends here," Daniel explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thank you! I also have one for you, and Mr. Miyagi," I say, "Let me just grab them from Johnny's car!"

I run over and grab the presents before running back. I hand Daniel the presents as he hands me mine.

I unwrap it as Daniel unwraps his, a big smile erupted on my lips. There was a cute little Angel charm on a bracelet. It reminds me of the nickname Daniel gave me a while back.

I looked over to see Daniel smiling bright at his necklace. He held it close to his chest, "Thank you so much."

"I had to get it when I saw it in the store, also thank you! I love the bracelet," I gushed, holding it tight in my hand.

We said our goodbyes and I headed off to class, Johnny was waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" He asked, looking at the charm bracelet in my hand.

"Daniel and I exchanged presents. Today is the last day before Christmas break, I won't see him till after," I explained, "Can you help me put this on?"

Johnny sighed before grabbing my wrist. He put on the bracelet and smiled at me, "It looks good on you princess."

I gave Johnny a big hug, "Thank you."

Ok 3k? That's insane!! Holy shit! Thank you so muchhhh!!!

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