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"Ya!" I yelled, punching into the air.

The class followed my action while yelling out, "Heya!"

Johnny winked at me, trying to distract me. I rolled my eyes at him. We made a bet a long time ago that if I ever get to warm everyone up, Johnny said he'd get me distracted. If he wins, I have to do whatever he says for a day. If I win, we go dancing.

Johnny refuses to go out dancing with me if it's anything other than slow, fancy dancing. The kind of dancing we did at the country club.

"Ya!" I shouted.

"Heya!" Everyone shouted back.

Johnny opened his karate gi a bit, just to show off his toned chest.

"Ya!" I carried on anyways.

"Heya!" They all yelled back, punching into the air.

"Alright fall in!" Kreese yelled. I smiled to myself, I won the bet! We go dancing!

"Come on Johnny you promised!" I cried out.

"That was months ago," Johnny groaned.

I slumped my shoulders, worked up my best pout, and walked over to Dutch and Bobby. Johnny looked at me confused.

I rested my arms on each one of them, pulling them closer to me, "Do you boys want to go dancing?"

Dutch laughed, knowing very well what I was trying to do. Bobby blushed and looked down at his feet. I leaned on Bobby.

I heard Johnny growl behind me. I smirked at him before turning to Bobby and saying, "So are you gonna take me dancing? Johnny doesn't want too."

Johnny stomped over to me and picked me up over his shoulder. I began to playfully punch his back while laughing.

"For Christ's sake Johnny I'm wearing a skirt!" I yelped.

"Yeah I know, it's a real nice view up here," He teased, slapping my ass.

"Johnny, not in public!" I scolded. The boys began to laugh, even Bobby laughed.

"Oh calm down Princess," Johnny grunted.

I looked at Tommy, smiling goofily, "Will you take me out to go dancing?"

"Anything for you babe," Tommy joked, earning a laugh from everyone but Johnny.

"Fine I'll take you dancing, just quit flirting," Johnny scolded.

"Yes!! Anyways can you put me down now?"

"Nope," Johnny replied.

"Johnny my ass is out for everyone to see right now," I remarked.

"Then I guess I have to cover it with my hand," Johnny cooed.

"Dutch help me!" I pleaded dramatically.

"Sorry sunshine but no can do," Dutch replied, laughing at me.




"Sorry babe but no."





"Ugh!" I huffed.

I began hitting Johnny's back again, "Put me down!"

"Not until you behave like a good girl," Johnny teased.

I blushed madly at this.

"Wait where are we even walking to? You have a car dick head," I said.

"Forgot to mention that we're all headed to the beach," Johnny answered.

"And did you really demote me back to dickhead?"

"Maybe," I laughed.

"With that attitude I might be carrying you all day," Johnny complained.

"I can fix that," I mumbled.

Johnny was about to ask me what I meant until I pushed off his stomach with my uninjured leg, causing him to fall back and let me go.

I then landed on that same leg. (What in the mother fuck)

"Should of let me go," I giggled. The guys were bursting out with laughter while Johnny sighed.

He got up and started to chase me. Due to me still having my cast on till this Friday, I had a hard time getting away.

Johnny caught me by the time we reached the beach. He began to attack me with tickles. Soon enough the others joined in, causing me to beg for mercy through my laughter.

"Please! Have mercy!" I cried through a fit of giggles.

"Should have been a good girl," Johnny smirked.

After a few minutes of pure giggly torture, I was finally released.

"Oh thank the fuck gods!" I cried out as they let me go.

"You can thank me later princess," Johnny says with a wink.

He helped me up before grabbing my hand, "I want to show you something."

Johnny then lead me away from the group, brining me to a deck. Pretty candles stood next to each other in a line, each one had a little flame. All types of flowers were laid out all around the deck.

My heart started to pound as Johnny walked me to the edge of the deck. We sat down on the deck, letting our feet hang off the edge.

Johnny then pulled out a little book. On the book it read, "All the reasons I love you." The hand writing was all messy and the cover had little doodles of dinosaur. Right in the middle was a picture of me and Johnny holding hands, tapped to the middle of it.

"That's the picture from our first date!" I beamed, remembering when we took the the photo.

"I made this for you because, well, I just wanted too. You and I grew a deep connection. I never stop thinking about you, so I decided to write down all the things I love about you. Just so I can get the point across that I love you," Johnny rambled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Johnny! I love you too!" I cried. No actually. I'm crying.

Johnny pulled me into a tight embrace. I grabbed the book and began reading it out loud.

After about the 50th reason we realized the guys all went home already and it was dark out.

"I should take you home now," Johnny yawned, helping me up.

We blew out the candles, grabbed the book, and then headed off to go find his car.

When I was rereading this I forgot how cute this chapter was. I just in general love this chapter. 😌💅

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now