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"Stop! You're gonna kill him!" Tommy exclaimed, trying to pull Kreese off of Johnny.

Kreese snapped and pushed Tommy to the ground.

"How does second place feel now!?" Kreese shouted at Johnny, tightening his grip around his throat.

Johnny let out a pained whimper as he clawed at Kreese's arms.

"Let him go you bastard!" I screamed, launching a punch at Kreese.

He flinched as my hand collided with his nose. Kreese then used his leg to kick me in the stomach, causing me to double over in pain.

Bobby picked me up and pulled me away from Kreese, "Stay away from him, he's insane!"

I watched as Mr. Miyagi walked over to Johnny and Kreese. He pulled Johnny out of Kreese's grasp, allowing him to escape.

Johnny ran over to me and pulled me into his arms. Tears ran down my face as Johnny gasped for air.

"Johnny, let's get out of here, we need to get you to a hospital," I cried out.

Johnny shook his head before picking me up, "I'm fine princess, my neck is sore but it'll be ok."

Johnny, the group, and I fled the scene, not before watching as Kreese punched the car windows.

We all hoped into Johnny's car and got the hell out of there.

While we drove away I made eye contact with my friend Reese. He gave me a weary smile. I returned it.
"I'm so very proud of you guys!" I cheered happily. All of the guys blushed a bit as they smiled back at me, including Johnny.

"We're very proud of you! You were kicking ass out there Y/n!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Yeah you're fucking amazing!" Dutch added.

All the guys nodded in unison. Johnny reached over and patted my head, making sure to ruffle my hair a bit.

"I officially have the most bad ass girlfriend in the world," Johnny charmed as he pulled into a parking lot in front of a diner.

"It's my treat guys, let's celebrate!" Johnny cheered. All of the guys laughed and chatted as they walked into the diner, leaving Johnny and I alone for a little.

"See? Nothing changed, everything turned out ok Princess," Johnny whispered into my ear.

I shook my head, "Yes but no. Where are we going to find a new dojo?"

"We'll find somewhere that'll take all of us, I'm sure of it. Besides we kicked ass out there, I'm sure one of the dojos around here will want us," Johnny reassured.

I nodded before saying, "You're right."

We started to make our way into the diner, hand in hand. When we walked in the boys waved us over to a large table they got.

I laughed as they talked about events that had taken place in the tournament. Some of stories were even given dramatic sound effects.

"And then she was all like whoosh! And he went ah! And then fell!" Tommy gushed.

Johnny and I sat down across from Tommy and Dutch. Bobby and Jimmy sat at the sides of the table.

"What're you talking about Tommy?" I asked, grabbing a menu.

"You and how you fought against that first kid!" Tommy answered enthusiastically.

"I actually know him, he was one of my friends from New York, his name is Reese," I chuckled.

Johnny raised an eyebrow, "Do I need to worry about this Reese punk?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Nope. Him and I are just friends."

"Good," Johnny mumbled like a kid.

Everyone was having fun talking about the tournament, except Bobby. Bobby seemed awfully quiet.

"Hey Bobby you alright?" I asked, poking his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm good," He answered as a waitress walked over to us.

"May I take your order?" She asked.

We all smiled at her before putting in our orders. She wrote our stuff down and then left us.

"I just wanted to ask because you weren't talking much," I explained.

Bobby smiled, "I'm doing just fine."

I was going to say something back when I felt Johnny's hand wrap protectively around my waist.

He then pulled me into a gentle kiss that made my heart race speed up. God the things this man does to me.

"Ay save that for the bedroom!" Dutch taunted, causing the boys to laugh.

Johnny just rolled his eyes before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

The waitress came back, shortly after a funny story Jimmy told us, and gave us our food. We thanked her and began eating. I watched in amazement as the boys scoffed down their food.

I giggled at them which caused them to give me a questioning look before getting back to digging in their meals. I smiled to myself before getting back to mine.

After we finished we paid and then got up to go head to the beach for a little.

"You know Princess everyone loves you right?" Johnny smirked, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah we all do! You're real cool Y/n!" Tommy and Dutch chorused.

"Yeah I think we can all agree on that," Jimmy chuckled, "Right Bobby?"

"100%. Y/n is one of our best friends in this group," Bobby replied, blushing crazily.

Johnny tensed a bit, his muscles bulging slightly. 

I rubbed his back before whispering in his ear, "Calm down it's ok."

He nodded and relaxed his body as we made our way to the beach. The boys all marbled at some weird washed up sea creature. I had to scold them for poking it with a stick.

Right now all I need is my friends and Johnny. They are the people who make me feel loved.

Let me just say, this ain't the end. I'm not ready to end the story. Why do you think I added Reese or Michael? Or even talked about Christmas? I'm not ending this yet! ;)

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now