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!!⚠️ Tw: sexual assault⚠️!!

Michael was in the car by the time my body moved to get out. He pulled my arm, causing me to fall down on top of him.

"Please just leave me alone, Michael," I cried out, wincing from the pressure on my arm.

"I heard you're having problems with blondie over there, I could comfort you," Michael mumbled, grabbing my throat.

"No stop! Just leave me a alone!" I screamed, hoping to get someone's attention. But no one even looked my way. The guys were too busy playing pool to realize what's taking place.

Michael attached his lips to my neck, causing me to struggle against his grasp, "Just relax."

I tried to punch him in the chest, just like in karate, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, immobilizing me.

"Please, stop," I muttered, my sore throat aching from his hand.

"Shhh be quiet Angel," Michael whispered, "Don't want your little friends to see you like this, do you?"

"No! Leave me the fuck alone!" I growled, wincing as Micheal added pressure to my throat.

"Shut up bitch," He growled back, kissing my lips.

The taste of cigarettes and bitter alcohol spread through my mouth, causing me to gag. I couldn't help but let my limbs relax, they're too tired to keep fighting.

I closed my eyes, praying for this all to end. Tears began to stream down my face, soaking my cheeks.

"What the fuck are you doing with Y/n!" I heard Tommy's voice shout. (I fucking love Tommy)

I opened my eyes to see the guys rushing over to us. Michael got up. I was sure he was going to run away, but was caught off guard when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him.

"FUCK!" I heard Johnny scream as he ran.

I tried to yank my hand away from Michael. I cringed as the pain grew worse. He won't let go.

Two large hands pulled me away from Michael. I started to cry even harder as I turned in them and hugged the person who held me.

I glanced over to see Bobby, Tommy, Dutch, and Johnny beat the shit out of Michael. They were cursing him out as they repeatedly kicked him in the rib cage.

I dug my head into Jimmy's shoulder, not wanting to watch. The blood was making my stomach churn. (I fucking love Jimmy too, real baby shit over here)

Jimmy rubbed my back, causing my nerves to ease a bit. He then turned me around, having me face Johnny.

I ran into his arms, crying as he hugged me.

"Princess are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Johnny questioned, rubbing small circles into my back, almost like Jimmy did, but better.

I didn't respond, I only cried more. Johnny picked me up and carried me to the car. The guys soon followed after they finished beating Micheal to a pulp.

The guys started to bombard me with questions, asking me if he hurt me at all. Johnny quickly shot them down with a single look.

"I'll go and drop you guys off, I'll see you on Sunday ok?" Johnny stated, driving them home one by one by one.

Once they were all gone, Johnny took me to his house.

"Do you want a shower?" He asked as he carried me into the house. I nodded slowly as he let me down.

"I'll go grab you some things," Johnny said as he tried to walk away. I quickly grabbed his wrist, not wanting him to leave me alone.

"Please stay with me," I begged, looking into his sweet, comforting eyes.

"Baby, I'll never leave your side," Johnny reassured, holding me tightly.

"I thought you didn't...want me," I whispered.

He gave me a shocked expression full of worry, "What? I love you. I love you so much it hurts Y/n. Why would I not want you?"

"You just...seemed so upset with me at Gulf n Stuff," I explained, watching as Johnny's face contorted with guilt.

"I wasn't upset with you, I was afraid...I'd loose you..to Bobby," Johnny confessed.


"He threatened to take you from me at Golf n Stuff," Johnny whispered.

I grew upset, "You know he would never be able to take me away," I pointed to the ring on my right hand, "Besides, I haven't taken this off since you put it on my finger."

"Pinky promise?" Johnny asked smirking.

I held out my pinky and hooked it with his, "Pinky promise."

Shit this one made me so sad, I don't even know why. I hope you guys liked the chapter, I almost forgot to post it.
Also I'm working on a Tommy fan fic, so that's fun. Credits to the person who suggested it, you know who you are lovely. Make sure to get some rest if it's night time for you! And drink plenty of water!!!

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