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"You got everything hun?" My mom asked, helping me with my bags.

"Yeah I got everything," I replied, heaving my bags into Johnny's car. I swear this man is insane. He dropped me off, went back to his house to get his car, and came back. All for me.

"Thanks again for letting me steal your daughter for the weekend," Johnny charmed. He's always making sure to be on my mom's good side.

"No problem sweetie, you are so nice to my daughter, how could I ever say no?" My mom replied before walking back to the apartment.

"Have fun!" She called out before leaving.

I hopped in the car as Johnny turned on the radio. I smiled as the song played. I didn't know it, or really ever heard it before, but it has such a sweet sound.

"Johnny, I love you," I whispered before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Right before I fell asleep, Johnny whispered back, "I love you more."

I woke up to little pecks on my lips. Knowing immediately it was Johnny, I pulled him to my face and gave him a long kiss.

"It's only 8 Princess, how did you fall asleep?" Johnny asked while smirking.

"I'm tired," I groaned.

"Well get up, we're here," Johnny said.

When I sat up I realized we aren't in front of Johnny's house, but instead in a parking lot.

"Where are we?" I questioned while letting out a small yawn.

"I decided that we could grab some food before heading back to my place," Johnny answered while helping me out of the car.

"I am pretty hungry actually, thank you love," I said as I intertwined my fingers with his.

"Good, that means I made the right decision," Johnny chuckled.

We talked about random things as we headed into the grocery store. When we walked in, dread filled me to the brim.

Michael was standing in the isle, grabbing a box of spaghetti noodles. He smirked as he saw me, making me want to vomit.

"Suddenly I'm not hungry," I muttered. Johnny looked at me confused until he saw Michael looking at me like a predator looks at it's prey.

He hugged me closer to his side, "Is that Michael?"

I nodded at him with a worried expression written on my face. My palms began to sweat as Michael started to walk towards us.

Johnny pulled me behind him, causing me to panic, "Can we please just leave?"

"I want this punk to leave you alone," Johnny grumbled.

I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. My nerves grew as Michael stood in front of Johnny. Michael peered behind Johnny, winking at me before looking back up.

I felt my blood go cold.

"So you're Y/n's little boyfriend. Looks like you think you can protect her, that's cute," Michael sneered.

I squeezed Johnny's waist, indicating that I'm not comfortable.

"You leave her alone, she wants nothing to do with a douchebag like you," Johnny snapped.

Michael smiled at him, "I see she's talked about me then."

Johnny grabbed Michael's shirt, bringing him closer, "Give me a reason I shouldn't beat the shit out of you."

Micheal laughed, "That's easy. You have a frightened little kitten grasping onto you for dear life."

Johnny let go of Michael and put his hands on mind instead.

Micheal chuckled before leaving the store, "I'll see you again soon Y/n."

My whole body was shaken to the core. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking.

Johnny turned in my arms and picked me up. I wrapped myself around his torso.

"Johnny, I-I'm so scared," I whispered.

"I know princess, I know, let's just grab our food and then we can leave," Johnny whispered back as he played with my hair.

"Don't worry, I'm right here, I won't let him touch you," He reassured.
Johnny walked into his room holding his red jacket and my favorite hot food, nice and warm on a plate.

"I brought you my jacket, and f/f," Johnny smiled before draping his jacket over my shoulders. He then rested the plate on my lap.

"Johnny this is really sweet but I'm not that hungry anymore," I mumbled, pushing the plate away.

"Eat. The only thing you've had today was a sandwich and punch, you need to eat," Johnny insisted, pushing the plate back onto my lap. I shook my head causing Johnny to groan.

"Alright fine," He sighed before picking up the fork.

He put some of f/f on the fork and brought it to my mouth, "Open."

"You don't need to feed me," I spat.

Johnny grasped my chin, rubbing his finger over my bottom lips. He then tugged at my lips. I was about to ask him what he was doing until he stuck the fork in my mouth.

This went on until the plate was empty. I blushed in embarrassment.

Johnny put the plate and fork onto his night stand while saying, "See, it wasn't that hard Princess. I'm proud of you."

I smiled weakly at him, reaching my arms out, "I want cuddles."

Johnny chuckled lightly as he joined me on his bed and pulled me into his arms, "Anything for my Princess."

I snuggled into his chest before whispering, "Are you nervous for the tournament?"

"No, are you?" Johnny replied.

"Yeah, a little," I responded, scooting closer to him.

"It'll all be ok. I promise princess."

"Pinky promise?" I asked, sticking out my pinky.

Johnny hooked his with mine, "Pinky promise."

Back at it again with the pinky promise 😗✌️

(Back at it again with the cringe 😗✌️)

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now