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Johnny caressed my jawline, soothing my nerves. He has always been so good with calming me down. I would have never guessed that this tough, angry, karate kid could be so gentle.

"It's pretty funny, I used to think you were nothing but muscle and anger, but I was wrong," I laughed weakly.

Johnny gave me a confused look, "You thought I was...all muscle?"

"No! I mean..part of it. I'm just trying to say you're so gentle compared to how I thought you were," I stuttered, blushing madly.

Johnny let out a little laugh, "You're so cute when you get flustered," He paused for moment, "You're always cute though."

"Even when I'm dying?" I joked.

"Still hot," Johnny said, rubbing his thumb against my lips.

"Do you need anything? Like water?" He asked, concern building up in his voice.

"All I need is you," I whispered, reaching out to hold his face, "Don't be so worried."

"I can't help but worry," Johnny responded, putting his hand over mine.

I shook my head and smiled, "It's just a small cold, you're being over dramatic."

"You have a fever Y/n, of course I'm going to be concerned, it came out of nowhere," Johnny exclaimed.

"Oh calm down you big baby. Why don't you go down the street where Daniel lives and visit Mr. Miyagi in his workshop. Help him out with the bonsai trees to keep your mind off me," I suggested.

Johnny gave me a hesitant look, "but what if you n-."

"Enough about me, go," I ordered, pushing Johnny's chest lightly.

He let out a sigh,"Fine, but only because you want me too."

I waved him goodbye as he left the room. I finally let myself fall asleep when I heard him close the front door.

-Johnny's Pov-
I walked down the street, my mind filled with worries about Y/n. I couldn't help but worry about her, even though she told me not to.

My thoughts were out on pause when the apartment complex came in view. I took a deep breath before entering it.

I walked over to the little workshop 'round the corner. This place isn't..well...the nicest is the best way to put it. I guess I can't really judge it though, my own mom let my stepdad kick me out.

I opened the door to the workshop and saw Daniel with Mr. Miyagi.

Without turning around the old man greeted me, "Ah Johnny-San, Miyagi expect you."

"I uh...Y/n sent me...to help out with the...bansai trees?" I muttered. I'm still not used to that pest Daniel.

"Bonsai," Mr. Miyagi corrected.

"Bonsai, right...so what do I have to do?" I asked, now slightly irritated.

Daniel gave the old man a questioning look. He then looked up at me and glared. It took everything in my power not to do something. I don't want Y/n to find out that I can barely tolerate this shithead.

Mr. Miyagi patted on the seat next to him, across from Daniel's. I sat down reluctantly.

He grabbed a pair of scissors and handed them to me, "Cut tree."

"What if I mess up?" I asked, looking at the tree.

"Close eyes and picture in mind. Then make what you picture reality," Mr. Miyagi explained before getting back to his tree.

I closed my eyes like instructed, and then thought for a moment. When I finally figured out what I wanted, I opened my eyes and began cutting the tree.

I can't say for sure how long I've been at this tree, but Daniel has been gone for at least an hour now. I only noticed it's been so late when the old man yawned.

"Go home and rest, Johnny-San," Mr. Miyagi ordered, giving me a smile.

"Thanks...this was nice actually," I admitted. Mr. Miyagi chuckled.

He grabbed the tree I was working on and shoved it in my arms before waving me off. Before I could say anything he lead me out and shut the door.

I looked at the tree and smiled at it. Y/n is going to love this.

"I'm back," I called out. Y/n's mother was the only one in the room.

"Y/n's sleeping in her room," She directed, giving me a smile. I nodded before walking into the room.

On the bed was a peaceful looking Y/n. Her hair sprawled out on the pillow her head was laying on.

I rested the bonsai tree on the nightstand by the bed before climbing in. I kissed Y/n on the cheek before falling asleep with her in my arms.

See? You aren't pregnant and you sure as hell don't have cancer. You literally got sick. That's about it. 😂

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now