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I woke up to a gentle call of my name, "Y/n, baby I'm home."

I smiled, knowing exactly who the person is, "Johnny, come here."

Johnny wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, "How are you feeling?" I opened my eyes slowly to look at him.

"I was feeling better, now I feel great because you're back," I answered, hooking my arms around his neck.

Johnny chuckled lightly, "You are so cuddly, princess. Have you eaten anything today?"

I nodded as I sat up. Johnny's reaction to my response was so pure. He looked relieved and happy.

"That's good. Did you drink any water, and are you hungry now?"

"I did drink some water, and yeah a little bit," I responded, now realizing that I'm actually pretty hungry.

"Do you want to get out of the house for a little bit? I can drive you to go get food and we can then head to the beach if you're feeling up to it," Johnny offered, helping me stand up.

"Yeah, that sounds nice, love," I beamed. Johnny kissed my cheek softly.

"I'll get the car started, take your time with getting ready, don't rush yourself," Johnny instructed before walking out.

I put on a dress that I haven't worn in a while with a white sweater over it. I Did my hair, brushed my teeth, and of course put on deodorant and perfume.

 I Did my hair, brushed my teeth, and of course put on deodorant and perfume

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I buckled my shoes and ran out of the house

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I buckled my shoes and ran out of the house. After sleeping all day,my energy has been restored and I'm feeling better.

I smiled big and bright at Johnny as I ran over to him. He looked me up and down, a pink tint lighting up his face.

"You look gorgeous Y/n, you always do," Johnny complimented.

My heart pace sped up. Johnny always complimented me on my outfits. Especially before dates. He never fails to make me feel special and loved.

"Are you ready?" He asked, resting his hand on my thigh, the other one on the wheel.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I responded. Johnny nodded and then started the car.

My hair flew back in the wind as I felt a familiar feeling. The type where your heart is filled with warmth and your mind is clear as day, not a single trace of fog to be seen.

"Johnny, I love you," I whispered, my heart finally being content.

"I love you too, Y/n," Johnny whispered back, a goofy grin on his face. 

When we reached the little cafe by the beach, Johnny stopped the car and turned to me.

"I know this came from nowhere but I have to say it. Today I realized I'm nothing without you. You weren't by my side and I felt empty. I didn't realize it until now, but you're my home. You're my happiness, my sunshine, and I can't imagine life without you." Johnny confessed, cupping my face.

"Johnny, I-"

"Please don't ever leave my side," Johnny added, his blue eyes representing soft rain on a hot day.

"That was never an option in the first place. It'll never be an option. Johnny you've been the one to show me that there is so much more to life than what I imagined, I'm not leaving you. You are my home, just like I'm your home. We belong with each other," I responded, holding onto the hand that cupped my face.

Johnny jumped out and hugged me tightly, "I was so worried about you."

I played with his hair to calm him down, "And that's ok, I'm ok. There's no reason to worry anymore. I won't leave you."

"I'm sorry, Princess. Ever since I was kicked out, I've been soft," Johnny whispered, clearly worried with how I'll respond.

"It's perfectly ok, Love. I like when you're soft. And when you're not. It's ok to be worried and to loose that sense of reassurance every now and then. Just keep reminding yourself I'm not going anywhere."

Johnny kissed me in response. He did it as light and gentle as he could. The kiss itself sent butterflies In my stomach to swarm.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Don't even mention it, Love."

Why the fuck did I make this chapter so short? I apologize for that, I might post another one to make up for it. Anyways, ya'll are on a roll. Like wtf. You guys are going at 19998mph. I'm already at 8k. Slow tf down! Don't you need to rest? Aren't you tired? God dammit drink some water. 💧 💧 💧

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