~The End~

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Love. It's crazy. Sometimes it happens fast, sometimes It takes it's time. One thing is for sure though, when you love someone you never want to let go.

Johnny and I bought the house we always wanted. It's a pretty one that's close to my mom's house. What's even better is the fact that it is right across from King Cobra, our dojo.

You're probably wondering, what else has happened? Well Johnny and I got married at age 22. His mom made it to our wedding. A month later she passed.

Johnny was heart broken, but I made sure to help him through it every step of the way. So did our friends.

They all are doing well. Bobby and his girlfriend, the short short brunette, moved in together. Reese is planning on moving to California soon, decided that he wanted to start a new life.

Jimmy, Tommy, and Dutch all moved in together. It's fun coming over to their house. It's even more fun when they complain about being roommates.

Daniel and Mr. Miyagi both still help out with the dojo. I'm pretty sure they live together.

Johnny and I..well...we are still madly in love. We've talked about having kids one day. That's not for a long while now. Besides, we're only 23.

The dojo over the years has blossomed. We have lots of students. The dojo in general is just doing great.

Right now I'm sitting on the beach with Johnny.

"We made it work," He whispered into my ear, kissing the shell gently.

"Yeah, we did," I whispered back, smiling brightly as I leaned against him.

Even during the toughest times, conflict doesn't phase us. We continue to show the world that our love is strong. Even if it is young. Even if it's just as crazy and unorganized as a Spice Cabinet.

The Spice Cabinet~ The end~

Thank you for reading this book. It's become something so special to me. The least I can say is that I'm heavily attached and I don't want to let go 😭
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. I can't believe it's completed. Thank you guys for reading. I'll keep in contact during my writing break so keep in tune for that. I love you all.

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now