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Johnny picked me up for school like always. It's become a normal occurrence for him to arrive early in the morning with his red car or motorcycle.

"Good morning Princess," He sang. I rolled my eyes as I made my way into his car.

"Good morning Johnny," I yawned, stretching my arms out over my head.

"How's the ankle feeling?" He asked, glancing down at my cast with a worried look.

"After a few days with the cast it doesn't hurt as bad as it did, still some pain though," I reassured.

"That's good, I still can't believe you let it go for so long," Johnny says as he starts his car.

"You ready to go sweetheart?" Johnny asked, smirking at me.

"Yeah, we have to get to school at some point," I groaned causing Johnny to chuckle.

We arrived at school relatively early. A few of the boys were there. I didn't see Daniel though. Nor Ali. To be honest I think they skipped together, it seems like they have a thing for each other. I'm happy Danny is moving on.

Johnny and I headed to our first class together. We ended up being earlier than the teacher. With this time Johnny started to pester me with questions.

"And when did this happen? I don't think the teacher ever explained that," He mumbled.

"Yes he did, Johnny why weren't you paying attention?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I was too busy looking at you beautiful," He said with a wink.

"I swear if you fail this class it's not my fault," I lectured.

"Hey Princess, my mom is forcing me to go to this weird country club party, do you want to come?" Johnny asked, tracing his thumb over my lips.

"I don't think I belong in that type of environment Johnny," I muttered, avoiding his eyes.

"Please Y/n, I want you to meet my mom, she'll love you," Johnny begged, giving me the saddest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen.

"Fine, but don't expect me to act all fancy and shit," I huffed.

Johnny laughed at my response, "I kinda figured that."

"Now let's finish your homework before the teacher comes in, we won't be able to go if you get detention again," I said, pulling out my answers.

Johnny let out a loud groan that caused me to burst out in a laughing fit.

"Ok so 6, right?" I asked for the 100th time.

"Yes princess, I'm picking you up at 6, make sure to wear a dress or something ok?" Johnny said.

I nodded, "I will, don't worry."

"Ay Johnny, Y/n, where are you guys headed tonight?" Dutch asked, resting his arm on Johnny's shoulder.

"I got that country club party, sorry man," Johnny replied.

"Is your girl coming?" Dutch asked. My heart raced at the words "your girl."

Johnny turned and looked me in the eye, "Yup, I'm bringing my princess with me."

He gave me a small wink before turning to Dutch.

"Alright man, well have fun," Dutch grinned, walking away.

Johnny nodded before starting his car.

"I'll be back at 6 ok?" Johnny confirmed, kissing me on the lips before I got out of his car.

"Ok Johnny," I answered, smiling at him.

He didn't leave till he saw me walk into my apartment. Like always.

I looked at myself in the mirror, the dress looks gorgeous. I can't help but smile to myself as I examined it more.

It fit me perfectly. I can't wait to see how Johnny will react to this outfit.

I finished getting ready, curling my hair and braiding in a little lace. I added Johnny's favorite perfume. He loves my cherry blossom one.

I left my crutches as I walked to the door, I learned how to walk without them over the past few days. I still have a noticeable limp though. The dress kind of hides it.

Right when I open the door, Johnny is standing there muttering to himself.

"Johnny?" I asked, smiling at him. He's wearing a grey suit that looks amazing on him.

The white shirt he's wearing under outlines his abs, making me blush.

"Y/n, you look gorgeous as always," He said, blushing a deep red.

"What was that muttering about?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I was practicing how to give you something," He responded, pulling out a box.

He opened it to reveal the prettiest ring I have ever seen.

"Aren't we a bit young for you to propose to me?" I teased.

Johnny shook his head and laughed, "It's a promise ring."

"Johnny you didn't have to do that," I gushed, looking at him with big eyes.

"I want to promise you that no matter what I will always be with you. I never want to leave you, Y/n. I love you. All I want is for you is to be happy," Johnny explained, hugging me tightly.

Johnny slipped the ring on my finger, he smiled one of those heart warming, genuine, nice, smiles.

"I love you too Johnny, more than anything."

He leaned down and placed his lips against mine. The kiss was soft and gentle. His lips moved against mine at a slow pace, savoring ever second of it. When we pulled away, we both still felt each other's warmth. And that is all we need.

Aaaahhh this one is so cute. To be honest I forgot about it. I'm so far in chapters it's scary. I'm on like the 38th or 39th chapter. So yeah I can still post everyday. 😗✌️

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