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"Ah Shit!" I cried out as I twisted my injured ankle and fell to the ground.

Pain struck through my entire ankle, causing me to cry out in agony.

"Y/n are you ok!?" Daniel asked, running as fast as he could to my side.

This caused a lot of commotion in the hallway. People crowded around Daniel and I. I couldn't help but frown as I saw the group, including Johnny, run up to see what was going on.

"What the fuck!" I heard Johnny yell. He tried to make his way over to me but Dutch held him back.

I turned my attention to Daniel, "This looks pretty bad, how long has it been like this?"

"Since the Halloween party," I mumbled.

Daniel widened his eyes, "Y/n you need to see someone for that! It's been two weeks!"

"I'm fine," I groaned, trying to stand up. A shot of pain went through my ankle, causing me to sit back down.

"Shit," I cursed, tears sliding down my face.

Johnny forced Dutch off of him, clearly too concerned to be held back.

"Daniel watch out," I warned.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt me till the tournament next month," Daniel reassured.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't question anything.

Johnny reached us, picking me up from the ground before I could yell at him. Daniel was about to grab me back when Dutch and Tommy held him back.

"I'm getting you to a hospital now," Johnny said through gritted teeth.

"Why didn't you say something?" He asked, clearly upset.

"I thought I was fine, ok!?" I snapped.

Johnny shook his head before gently resting me in his car, "You're lucky that I lo-, never mind.

I looked at him with a curious expression. Was he just about to say he loves me?

Our ride to the hospital was silent. Johnny only ever glanced my way to check on me.

Once we arrived he picked me back up bridal style.

"I can walk you know," I spat.

Johnny shook his head, "No you fucking can't, and you know that too. Don't act so fucking tough when you're in pain."

I laid my head against his chest, "I am in pain." A few tears slipped down my face before I began balling. (LMAO)

Johnny's shirt was soaking wet by the time we made it into the hospital.

"You're going to have to wear this cast for at least 6 weeks if not more," The doctor said.

"Thank you Dr. Johnson," I said as she finished putting on my cast.

"No problem dear, make sure to let your boyfriend know you're going to be ok," She said before leaving the room.

Johnny rushed in right after the doctor left. Without missing a beat he wrapped me into his arms.

In that moment all the anger I had towards him completely vanished. I snuggled into him, "I love you."

Johnny looked at me shocked, "I love you too...and I'm really sorry."

I smiled, "I know, just...don't hurt anyone like that ever again, ok?"

Johnny nodded before kissing my lips, "I've missed that."

"Can we go somewhere other than my home or school? I just want to spend some alone time with you," I mumbled.

Johnny nodded, he picked me up before exiting the hospital.

"I'll take you to my place, my mom and her husband are out for the month." Johnny says with a gentle smile. (Oh how convenient)

"That sounds great, I could use a nice dose of Johnny cuddles," I smiled.

"Well then we better hurry Princess, I need you to feel better asap!" Johnny beamed, speeding down the road to his house.

We finally made it to his huge house. Johnny quickly turned off his car and got out. He grabbed the crutches the doctor gave me. He then picked me up and rushed into the house.

I giggled as he ran to his room, "I have crutches Johnny."

"A Princess such as yourself deserves to be carried when injured," He smirked.

I rolled my eyes playfully as we entered his room.

"You ok sweetheart?" He asked while gently resting me on his bed.

I nodded, letting my limbs completely relax. Johnny then handed me some of his clothes.

"Wear these, it'll be more comfortable than bell bottoms and a cropped top," Johnny chuckled.

"Can you help me?" I mumbled, blushing.

Johnny winked at me, causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach.

"Are you ok with this?" He asked before touching me.

I nodded, "I'm just really tired and I don't want to get up."

He laughed, "I understand."

Johnny started off by stripping me of my shirt, he was struggling since I didn't make any effort to move.

"Princess you're gonna have to move a little," He whispered.

"Ok Johnny," I said.

He began to unbutton my pants, his eyes never left mine.

As he was slipping off my pants he muttered, "You're acting a bit dirty Princess."

I smacked him on the shoulder, "Johnny!"

He laughed a bit, biting his lip when he finally got my pants off, "You are perfect baby."

He helped me slip into his grey sweat pants and Cobra Kai sweatshirt. Both were much bigger on me due to how tall he is.

"God you are beautiful," Johnny mumbled, kissing my neck softly.

He climbed under the covers with me. I immediately clung to him like a koala.

"You are so cute," Johnny whispered in my ear. I just snuggled into him more.

He began to play with my hair while whispering the sweetest things, "You are the most amazing person ever. You're sweet, funny, a smart ass but I'm into that, and you make me better."

I looked up into his eyes. His blue eyes that filled me with so much warmth and love.

"Johnny I love you, you make me feel so safe and loved. I- I wouldn't know what'd I do without you," I cried out, digging my face into his chest.

Johnny wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, "I love you too, I really do."

The Spice Cabinet-Johnny Lawrence x Reader- (Karate Kid)Where stories live. Discover now