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"No throwing ornaments! What is with you guys and throwing ornaments around?" I scolded, crossing my arms over my chest.

Jimmy adjusted the cuffs on his jacket, neatly rolling them. He then mocked my posture, arms crossed over his chest.

"Come on! It's fun," Jimmy exclaimed, grabbing once of the plastic ornaments from the tree.

"For the last time, the ornaments are for the tree and the tree only!" I lectured, snatching the plastic orb from his hands.

Jimmy let out a huff before walking over to Tommy, who was having a heated argument with Bobby about whether or not ketchup belongs on mac and cheese.

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in those dimwits' heads. Seriously why the hell are they arguing about ketchup on mac and cheese!?

"Come on man! Ketchup just adds so much flavor!" Tommy argued, making a lot of weird hand gestures as he talked.

"You're crazy," Jimmy started, causing Bobby to nod in agreement.

I let out a giggle at their behavior. The three of them stopped and looked at me for a silent moment. I waved awkwardly at them.

I jumped a little when they all stormed over to me, "What do you think!?" They asked in unison.


"Obviously it's best with mustard," Dutch chimed in behind me.

"Ew, Dutch, that's nasty," I fake gagged, sticking out my tongue at him.

"Are you guys ready?" Johnny asked, finally ready to leave.

"What took you so long?" Dutch asked, examining Johnny, "You don't look like you changed or anything."

Johnny blushed a bit, "Uh doesn't matter, let's just go."

The guys gave him confused looks. Before a word could leave any of their mouths, Johnny grabbed my hand and rushed us out the house.

I looked back to see the guys shrugging their shoulders before following us. My gaze turned back to Johnny, who seemed to be a bit embarrassed.

"You're blushing," I commented, smirking at his wide eyed look.

"I-," He stuttered.

I quickly interrupted him with my hand on his forehead, "Are you ok? Are you sick?" His forehead doesn't feel hot.

"I'm fine princess, really I am," Johnny reassured, gently pushing away my hand.

We made it to his car, the guys making it soon after. All of us got in, Johnny more quickly than the rest. He's a lot more eager than usual.

"Johnny, seriously are you ok?" I whispered, so only he could hear.

He gave me a quick glance before turning his gaze back to the road, "Yeah...just a bit..."

He mumbled the last part, making me even more confused, "What?"

"I have a slight...issue," Johnny mumbled, glancing down at his lap. Immediately I caught on.

"Don't be embarrassed about it," I comforted, kissing his cheek.

I gave the guys a glare as they let out a few whistles, "Oh shut it."

I smiled as I saw Golf n Stuff come into view. The memories of Johnny and I's first date flooded my mind.

I looked over to see Johnny goofily smiling at me. I couldn't help but match his energy. His smile is so contagious.

After a few minutes of us just gazing at each other, one of the guys clearing their throat stopped us. Johnny gave them a glare before getting out of the car.

"You two are so sweet with each other it hurts," Jimmy spat, making a disgusted face.

"Sorry that you can't score yourself a girlfriend man, especially one that's as sexy as mine," Johnny barked back, smirking at my vibrant blush.

"Johnny yours literally kicked your ass the first time she trained with us," Bobby remarked.

"We don't talk about that," Johnny warned, squinting his eyes at Bobby.

"Johnny, baby, darling, love of my life, we do in fact talk about it. I did, and still can, kick your ass," I say, winking at Johnny.

"She got you there Johnny," Dutch laughed, nudging Johnny's shoulder.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Johnny grunted, having the attitude of a 12 year old boy.

"Awe did little Johnny's girlfriend hurt his ego," Tommy cooed.

I burst out into a fit of giggles, Bobby, Dutch, and Jimmy following along with me.

"Tommy, you are amazing," I said in between giggles.

"Why thank you darling," Tommy teased, causing us to go back into our fit of giggles.

Johnny pouted, tugging on my shirt, "Princess, you are too mean."

I pecked his lips quickly, pulling back after a second to say, "And you're too cute."

All of the guys made fake gagging noises, causing me to roll my eyes.

Sorry this chapter was short and all. It can't be that bad tho since I'm posting twice a day. Anyways I hope you guys are having a nice holiday. Whatever you celebrate, I hope you enjoy it. :)

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